
6月13日-最近幾周,香港發生了動亂,既有規模巨大的和平集會,也有規模較小但暴力的衝突。彭博QuickTake解釋了為何香港仍在抗議,以及可能走向何方。 (由Vicky Feng拍攝的視頻)(已更新為新動態)。

  1. To support rallies in Hong Kong!


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  2. From HK government official web site:
    2. The Bill covers only the most serious crimes punishable by imprisonment of seven years or more (i.e. cases that would normally be tried in Hong Kong's High Court) and the crimes must exist in the laws of both Hong Kong and the requesting jurisdiction before a surrender request will be processed.

    3. None of these serious criminal offences relate to the freedom of assembly, of the press, of speech, of academic freedom or publication. And no surrender for a political offence or if the purported charges are in fact on account of race, religion, nationality or political opinions.

    4. Executive and judicial safeguards built into the system protect all the human rights enshrined in the Basic Law and Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance and ensure that any requests for assistance or surrender are legal, and subject to challenge and review up to the Court of Final Appeal. As guaranteed under the Basic Law, the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region exercise judicial power independently, free from any interference.

    5.Throughout the past four months, the Government has listened attentively to views expressed and responded positively to suggestions made. As a result, two sets of amendments were made, respectively before and after the presentation of the Bill. These have provided additional safeguards which have been welcomed by stakeholders and have effectively allayed most of those earlier concerns. The Chief Executive could not bypass the Court to surrender a fugitive to any requesting party including the Mainland. The government's proposals are therefore firmly grounded in the rule of law.

  3. Gday luv
    Been following since the beginning.
    Don't like instigators planted in the movement
    Don't like the gangstas attacking
    Don't like the British ?. involved
    Free Hong Kong
    But concerned
    The revolution is being televised

  4. So, the government accused protesters of "serious crimes"… You know, like throwing bricks and Molotov cocktails at the police. Think "free speech" or "democracy" would allow them to get away with that in the United States?

  5. The more provocation these youngster been..the more clear view of america and uk sponsor..let them protest every week..this just a fake..the western country want to suppress china and the media like bbc and the media that support these protesters..their act always been claim peaceful even.hijack airport closure..if this happen in more human rights.but in hongkong..the western media put double standard..what an ass

  6. Why don』t western democratic countries take these people in if you care about them so much? They would love to be your citizens. Do something!

  7. CCP=nazis. Chinese cyber army had thousands of bots who keeps posting all over youtube fake comments and stories to undermine the actions of Hongkongese people fight for their rights.

  8. Where are Hongkong's perotester leader ? Arrested by polish of China going to hell . Why they want to suffered live for prisoner extradistion to China . Influencing by dollar to enjoying better life . What for all those riot to hongkong , just making China weaks from economic trade business with US in other peoples of China can bedtray China gaverment .


  10. I fear for all the Hong Kong protestors – peaceful as well as violent – because throwing petrol bombs would provoke ANY government to extremes and we have seen previously how mainland China has completely and violently put down dissent.  I truly believe China has been trying to change and has changed a great deal already.  But naive demonstrators throwing petrol bombs will ruin it for both the Hong Kong people and the people of China.  The British once brought in the army to quell a riot in Hong Kong (ask your grandparents) and they too fired shots over the rioters heads.  Please be careful.  Otherwise the government will call in the army.  And don't think those responsible won't be recognised.  They will follow you home with CCTV cameras and piece together your movements.  That will be the last your friends and family will hear from you.

  11. If india can shut down and have a martial law on kasmir with out any reason.There is not a one news about that.what is happening in Kasmir?The indian goverment have even blocked 「the freedom of press」.Where is this mainstream media?look how many people are killed over there by indian government nobody has answer because there is no freedom over there and the world is shook by hong kong incident which is part of china and will be forever in china.Do hong kong people think that west gonna come and rescue them which is impossible.There is more real problems around the world.At least honk kong have their own identity,there are so many people around the world who does not have a thing called country even they have the full rights without any question.

  12. Are there more than half of HK citizen who actually support FreeHongKong? Any survey or vote by HK citizen? I wonder can HK survive without China? water and electricity supplied by China. Looks like it caused more dead once it happened and it isn't fair to rest of HK citizen who don't support.

  13. when police fire upon protestors… that's it, use equal force to bring down a corrupt government, any pawns in uniform will get what they deserve. The will of the people is greater than corrupt officials. Don't be a slave.

  14. Unemployment and bankruptcy are rising rapidly like rockets as no one is coming to and spending in HK. Most parents of those students will soon lose their jobs. They will probably get some starvation experience very soon.

  15. Hong Kong's people must keep fighting for democracy and freedom. All Chinese people must rise up and stand with your brothers and sisters in Hong Kong. Now is the time rise up and demand freedom and democracy. Chinese people should hack communist party and expose what information they discover.

  16. The protests in Hong Kong are heading nowhere. It is a dead end. The protesters, who are funded, trained and directed by the US CIA and NED, are simply turning Hong Kong into a museum of colonialism. Over the last month, they have shown the dark side of British colonialism, including a display of British and US flags, two prominent symbols of thefts, rapes and murders. It is good to have a museum of colonialism to remind us of the evil minds and actions of the colonisers.

  17. Hong Kong started chaos with Carrie Lam's introduction of Extradition Bill to China. Since the Extradition Bill movement, Hong Kong started with demonstrations and protests. Carrie Lam was called a Treason of Hong Kong who violated China One Country Two Systems Agreement of the Basic Law Agreement. In order to cover up Carrie Lam's criminal activities. Carrie Lam worked with Hong Kong Police force for violence, riots, and brutalities. China sent 300,000 China PLA garrison army to Hong Kong north border, and China sent another group of China PLA garrison army to Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. According to Hong Kong One Country Two Systems Agreement of the Basic Law, China PLA garrison army cannot enter Hong Kong. However, China cheated the world and Hong Kong people moved the troops from Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge into Hong Kong. China PLA garrison army also infiltrated into Hong Kong police force for more vigorous violence, riots, and brutalities. The infiltrated Hong Kong police cheated the world and Hong Kong people with China PLA garrison amy used outdated teargas in enclosed environments and police/military brutalities. China PLA garrison army moved into Hong Kong already upgraded Hong Kong riots into a Civil War, by definition, China state vs Hong Kong state. Since China PLA garrison army involved into Hong Kong riot as a Civil War, China and Carrie Lam are War Crime Criminals violated the Geneva Convention Agreement for illegal use of lethal weapons and humanity crime with brutalities. China and Carrie Lam also violated the International Tribunal Agreement for War Crime, Aggression Crime, and Humanity Crime under the definitions of the International Tribunal. China cheated the world Hong Kong is in a Civil War for a riot, and China sent China PLA garrison army into Hong Kong violated the China and UK One Country Two Systems Agreement for riot, violence, and military brutality.

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