


「對我們來說,如果我們不採取激進的方式與政府對抗, [then] 20歲的Jen說道,由於安全風險增加,他要求使用化名。




  1. To be more correct, the officers pulled pistols on the protesters. The riot gear officers had shotguns labeled less lethal, which is likely a bean bag round, tear gas round or something of the sort.

  2. This is why country』s should never give up there guns because when you do the government don』t care they would just mow right through there citizens.

  3. I don't know much about this situation but I have nothing but admiration and respect for these 'radical' protesters, they're prepared to do what is necessary to gain what they believe in, freedom.
    They are not the "rebel" terrorist groups like ISIS as far as I know, but simple people willing to fight for their future.

  4. I still think that violence is the best way to reach discipline people these days intend to do everything without fear because of the internet backing them up
    This is the reason on why the world needs another war it needs it for people to see what fear really is and in a way to focus that fear in to discipline

  5. Nothing short of violent insurrection can overturn the expiration date on the One country, Two systems paradigm and give HK full sovereignty. Unfortunately, the young people of HK are too busy playing League of Legends and getting their asses wiped by their Filipino nannies to change anything. They don't even have armaments – what can they do?

  6. ????= Psychopaths that don't know what's real freedom and real rights. And don't understand the value of our rights
    My country lost more then 50.000 people for my freedom.. Fighting the comunist dictator

  7. For the freedom violence is the only way.
    Here in Romania 1989 people wanted freedom and rights and to put down comunism.
    And a minimum of 50.000 of people died for me to write this comment.
    If we wouldn't use force and violence the army will out run us. But lucky for the army joined and so we killed our dictator

  8. Title says fire a gun but the video does not cover the part where the police shot the protestors. It only said points gun at protestors for the first time. Please use more accurate titles Vice apart from being so biased towards the protestors.

  9. You have to understand from the police point of view, getting trapped with only some other officers to help while theirs hundreds of protesters around you.

  10. VICE is bullshit news, nothing new. Over 90 percent of news you can』t trust. Like how Denzel Washington said if you are not watching the news you are not being informed and if you are watching the news you are being misinformed

  11. What the kid said at the end shows how stupid he really is, saying 「they deserve what they get」 how tf does the police deserve all this? I know some are fucked up and deserve it but come on most of them probably are just stuck in between of or feeding your family and getting harassed or quit and have no income for their family since the a lot of protesters are young and they don』t have kids or a wife to feed instead most of the police officers are older and probably have a family to feed. But showing how much of a goat he is, i bet he thinks this is like some survival game or he』s probably giving the excuse of saying he is doing it for the freedom of hongkong when in reality he probably wants to have fun and throw shit and yell since a dude who really does it for hongkong would rather want peace as soon as possible and a good term settlement then fighting till people start dying left and right.

  12. Bro, I sorta feel bad for the police at this point. I mean, their career started as just being regular policemen. Then all of a sudden, their going up against a ton of people with Molotovs and stuff. This is actually pretty sad…

  13. I hate how they say 「protesters」 their rioting not protesting. Also, I wonder why they pull guns? Maybe it』s bc them rioters are setting fires?

  14. 港殘們都想嘗嘗香港大動亂的滋味,年輕人代價是很沉重的呀,香港會衰敗不堪,大部分的港人都要承受幾十的痛苦,最後你想得到的只有混亂還是混亂,僅此而已。

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