使用反向VPN連接訪問內部網路-Hak5 1921



請注意:「 Bash Bunny Primer-Hak5 2225」


  1. Well.. this is exactlly what I need, but can't afford… so I was trying to set it up using a self hosted server through a Raspberry Pi… not using digital ocean… more like a proof of concept and stay true with open source rather than spending some money ha… So technically this is a bridged openvpn setup but going through a lot of hoops. but it's nice to see it working

  2. So I have a unique issue, i think.
    I have my raspberry pi connecting just fine and have the user account setup just as you describe.

    However, my linux server has to allow me to access it remotely via 22 and 8443.

    When I connect, I am immediately kicked from the ssh session. I had to add route-nopull to the ovpn autoconnect file to stop this, however, I am unable to ping my PI from my linux client.

    I also checked routes, it doesn't appear to be adding any client gateway subnets to the route table. When i add them manually, I am still unable to ping clients on the vpn network, or on the pi's client network.

    did I miss something?

  3. Awesome, I am IT guy, and yet, i only learn this now!, video is from 2016!, sigh. I have actually been trying to do this before, but no idea there was simple package to deploy like this, just fired up an AWS instance and, done.

  4. Works great on my LAN Turtle. Is there a way to let it work on a rpi? I already have installed everything abset the firewall rules and /etc/config/network… Anyone who did the same thing on a RPI? Thanks in advanced.

  5. mye.. except more & more companies using some form of 802.1 auth even on hardwired connections. That means you'd need to authenticate to get on the network.

  6. i need your help to make this works: i have a lan outside US which has pivpn server inside (raspberry). the lan interface is hooked up to the coming internet line. the wifi interface is connected to my local Wlan. i have successfully configured it to forward all wifi incoming traffic to the lan interface. however, i want to modify this so that when a client connects to my pivpn, it becomes the gateway and all the traffic goes through it to the network where the client is connected. in short, i want all devices on my wlan that has the default gateway is my raspberry pi wlan interface, to see the internet from the pivpn client's network. is it possible?

  7. First of all, I would like to say that respect the straight forward approach. However, I would request that you make a video surrounding the security considerations needed when deploying this type of set up.. The last thing that we would want to happen is for a inexperienced user to be compremised do to lack thereof…

  8. These demos in Linux are waaay better. Helps me remember commands and what to do in different scenarios like the dpkg -i for the deb file. No wonder I couldn't get that deb file to work before.

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