這是Cisco SIMOS課程的摘錄,在此我們討論了站點到站點IPSec VPN背後的邏輯結構。我希望這些內容可以幫助您了解VPN幕後發生的事情。 。

  1. Wow. I had been seeking for this kind of instructor for almost 9 years for Security related stuffs. I had a good instructor for the network but for security i never had one.

  2. this video is absolutely perfect for what I am trying to study right now. could you please do a similar video about ipsec in transport mode, and how routing works after the client establishes thw ipsec tunnel with the server? I cannot seem to find this anywhere. Thank you

  3. Hi Ryan, congratulations for this AMAZING video. I have one question, though:
    In a network with a DMZ, what would be the best location for a VPN concentrator, and why?
    Thank you in advance

  4. The explanation is good , but the diagram drawn for AH and ESP with freehand is very messy. It take the concentration off. I hope you take this as constructive criticism !!

  5. Ryan, this video is the best one out there in youtube explaining site-to-site VPN's IPSec phases.
    Feel free to do DMPVN phases as well.
    Thanks a lot Ryan Lindfield

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