

2:54-什麼是VPN? VPN的常見用途,VPN的工作方式

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  1. With a VPN you just move your data from one shady company to another, what』s the point
    >inb4 muh 『no logs policy』
    Can you really trust that

  2. vpns are good but your doomsday stuff regarding net neutrality seems un founded almost 2 years later. I work for a small ISP and this will allow more ISP's to pop up and long term I do think it's good over all because it spurs innovation and start ups and more competition for ISPs. Especially with 5g coming up, and ideally will allow more competition in the future.

  3. The more I learn about this stuff the more I realize it's time to go back to a dumb phone with no gps and cut the internet all together. Just creepy Orwellian bullshit. It's getting to the point where I just don't want the service anymore. No matter what you do these sleeze balls are watching like dogs in heat. What is even scarier no one even cares and its just going to get worse and worse.

  4. Firstly, thanks for all the great videos Dave! I just wanted to say that I've lived in China for about 10 years now, and I have been using Astrill VPN for about 2-3 years now (which I've found is very terribly rated on thatoneprivacysite.net). I think the rating is probably accurate, Astrill is probably logging/reselling my data, which I'm not at all a fan of. However, when I looked into your VPN, Mullvad, I was slightly dismayed to note the following: for credit/debit they don't accept UnionPay, a must for Chinese bank account holders; no app for mobile Android/iOS systems.

    So a little note of context on users in China: we don't primarily use the VPN for anonymity per se, and anonymity is difficult anyway because most services/apps require identity verification and are essentially backdoors into your system (I'm talking about you, Wechat). What do we use it for? To get around the Great Firewall, which uses DNS poisoning, IP blocking, and other means of preventing access to certain websites, such as Google, YouTube, and Facebook.

    Astrill has an amazing architecture that works on Linux (both Debian/RHEL based versions), Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, and more I think. The user experience is generally consistent across platforms, which is no easy feat, and on Android you can decide which apps use the VPN and which don't, allowing you to be on it for YouTube, but off it for, say, Alipay. This itself may be a threat to anonymity, as if you allow Alipay to access system files, it could potentially go into places it doesn't belong.

    Anywho, my point is it would be great to see some of these features come to Mullvad as they grow. Perhaps I'll write them a similar note of encouragement to try to break into the Chinese market, as 1 in 5 people on Earth is Chinese, so it's kind of an important market.

  5. So https encrypts the text on the pages your browsing but not the sites addresses? so the isp or hackers can still see what sites your visiting, but if you use a vpn then does the vpn encrypt the sites your visiting too?
    Also if your browsing data is encrypted between you and the vpn server then is your data unencrypted between the vpn server and the site your browsing? So the sites your browsing can still see what your browsing and also your IP address etc?
    Also what』s the best vpn for EASE of use on Linux like Mint/Ubuntu/Qubes etc? I hear only AirVPN have a proper GUI client/interface? I currently use expressvpn for iPhone and windows 10 but it』s awkward using the terminal client until my linux skills are better, so it』s been hard to to find a single but excellent vpn to use on all 3 platforms so I』m considering using the slightly cheaper nordvpn for windows 10 and iPhone, plus AirVPN for Linux with long term contracts to keep the costs down?
    Someone suggested using just AirVPN for windows and Linux and using free Windscribe for iPhone but not sure I should trust free windscribe?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated

  6. Excellent video, helps out a lot…Is there any privacy solution for Android phones? I know they collect a lot of info on people. Thanks.

  7. Great video. There is so much disinformation out there regarding VPN and so many people that don't actually know what they are talking about.

  8. thank you, your channel is one of my favorite, in the next video is it possible to point out the different between { vpn service } like wireguard and openvpn ? if there is a different at all

  9. Hi, i need some help.
    fflush(stdin) not work in linux
    I use while((getchar() != 'n');
    And work for some exercises but
    I need now go out of a while of string so need fflush so take the word correct i enter.
    Can you help me you know a lot of linux!

    While(strcmp(day, "tuesday") || strcmp(day, "monday")){
    printf("Error.Enter a valid day: ");
    fflush(stdin); //not work


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