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Crosstalk Solutions是Sangoma的授權合作夥伴和經銷商。


  1. I receive the following error when trying to connect (Tue Oct 09 07:49:18 2018 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
    Tue Oct 09 07:49:18 2018 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed) I have check 2 times the settings following exactly the video, any help ?

  2. i Cannot get this to work.
    I am not getting any clients to export, it says there may be a CA mismatch, but i have tried it multiple times now, with the same result.
    Any ideas as to why this is happening?

  3. do you happen to have a video when you have a VPN service like NordVPN and you wanna remote access.. i trying to do this and have nordvpn and my remote clients like my cell can connect get the green light but i cant access the network do you have a video on both working together

  4. i forgot the other way to setup a remote connection but this worked, however the other way was when you click on "connect" it asks for a username and password defined in System >> User Manager, the other way to setup a remote connection there was a way where you can setup a concurrent connection per user, like user 1 can only be used by up to 3 people, because in this way of setting remote connection it is not specified how many can connect

  5. Up to how many users can connect simultaneously? I am setting up a lab and I want up to 10 users to remote into the lab and be able to access their computers via remote desktop, and or their file servers.

  6. hi  I'm having several issues… could you email me  one I did your setup.. now it works if I set pfsense wan to PPOE  if I set the modem to give a dhcp of for it  openvpn doesn't connect on the client side..  also  I find I loose the ability after a while  doing \servername  for file shares I had to factory reset a few times  seems a asus router is better I don't have issue… but the main issue I having is…  I set it up  I only can practice on my home network.. so I go  Modem —-> pfesnse —–> network and a wireless router …. wireless router I test it…   so  when I do your setup…  and I do connect wireless router..  it lets me ping my network but I was able to ping it before  my pfsense does 192.168.0.x  and my router does 192.168.1.x    so I can ping the network and access it.. but I loose Internet…  so when I change the setting in openvpn server  and go down to advance client  and enable dns server enable  and I enter in  and for the tunnel network.. I keep internet  its very slow and I cant ping some sites like google… and  I then can not access the network ip address   192.168.0.x  are gone… and if I goto a Tim hortons  etc that there ip address give out like 192.168.0.x   how does work if I wanna ping my network at home  if it be the same ip as say a hotspot location… so I confused how vpn works

  7. Could you do a test of SoftEther? Maybe compare it to OpenVPN?

    I have a SoftEther setup and in my experience it is way faster than OpenVPN! I have the server at a family members house. Just firing up SoftEther on my laptop lets me watch live TV from home. I see very little information about it, so it does not seem like it is very well known.

  8. Yes, Yes, Yes.. you made my day… thanks a lot man for this.. I've been waiting for this step-by-step video on how to install openvpn. Many Thanks again.

  9. Hi, thank you for the great video, could you please do one showing OpenVPN on pfsense from scratch, I followed your steps, I can connect from my android device to the openvpn server, but that is it, I get no through put, I cant even browse our internal network using the internal IP addresses or the internet.

    Please help.

  10. What kind of hardware do you guys usually use to run your pfSense installations? I've been looking at a few things for the last few months in preparation for an install i'm setting up for my company. Just wondering your thoughts.

  11. Is there a way to have the clients be on the same network as the local LAN (I.E. The 192 network instead of the 172 network)? That way a local user could connect to that remote machine if it's running something like a VNC server? So that for instance I could remote into a remote users laptop if they need help, while I'm still at the local site.

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