如何在Windows Server 2012 R2上安裝和配置遠程訪問(VPN)(循序漸進指南)

在本視頻中,我將向您展示如何在Windows Server 2012 R2上安裝和配置遠程訪問VPN。



對於PPTP:1723 TCP和協議47 GRE(也稱為PPTP直通)對於基於IPSEC的L2TP:1701 TCP和500 UDP對於SSTP:443 TCP


3.檢查RRAS伺服器上的事件查看器以進行進一步的故障排除。 。

  1. Excellent demonstration. I have a VPN through a Cisco ASA from an outside company and need a virtual MS 2012 to be able to connect. The host server is 2016. How do I get them to be able to see the Virtual as well as the current machine which is an old 2008 Server? The firewall has everything opened to their router, but they cannot see the new machine. The 2008 is the DNS server and is configured appropriately. I can log into the machine with local remote desktop without an issue. Thanks

  2. I know this relatively old topic, but does the 2012 VPN server have to be connected to the ISP's gateway? Does the server need 2 nic cards in it? One for the ISP gateway, and one attached to the local network? I have a laptop connected to the ISPs gateway, with one of the 5 IP addresses that we're allowed to use to mimic someone trying to access the server from outside our network. I have yet to make it work.

    I'll try and go back to the begging and run your setup routine. BTW, did you have to open up 1723 on your local router? I didn't see that.

  3. please i followed your instruction all
    but my vpn conection from home to my server via vpn does not work
    put to connect my server from home i always get this problem pls help : " THE REMOTE CONNCTION WAS NOT MADE BECAUSE THE NAME OF THE REMOTE ACCESS SERVER DID NOT RESOLVE "

    Pls who can ik solve it ?

  4. Thank you for the great tutorial.
    I want to apply this solution out of LAN (via Internet), what do I have to do, in addition to redirecting port 1723 from the fixed and explicit IP address of the router on the local IP server? I needed UNC access via VPN. Thanks!

  5. Error 800: The remote connection was not made because the attempted VPN tunnels failed. The VPN server might be unreachable. If this connection is attempting to use L2TP/IPsec tunnel, the securityparameters required for IPsec negotiation might not be configured properly. Any suggestions??

  6. Thanks. Are you ever going to create a video showing how a client can access the server from outside the network? Say from the internet?

  7. Thanks man for your effort and help. Could you make a video or just explain here how can restrict users to open web sites if in my server 2012 r2 missing group internet explorer maintenance?

  8. hi i have a question im a student in it course and i have a problem with the remote desktop, i try to connect from my windows 10 to my server and it says i have an connected sessoin already but there is no sessoins connected. i have done many thigs but they just dont work. we saw that my first network card does not want to connect and when we tried with my wan card with the school ip it worked can you help me please

  9. great video!
    one question, after the client pc has connected to the vpn server, if that server 2012 also has a file server on it..will the client be able to see all the shared folder and access them?
    and can i access this remote server by any other OS? or can it only be accessed by a windows client os?

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