如何在Windows 10筆記本電腦上製作受VPN保護的Wi-Fi熱點


本教程說明了如何在Windows 10筆記本電腦上設置wifi熱點。連接到該熱點的任何設備都將通過VPN。


您將需要具有管理許可權的Windows 10攜帶型計算機和基於Broadcom的wifi適配器(大多數攜帶型計算機都具有此適配器)以及使用OpenVPN協議的活動VPN訂閱。在此示例中,我們使用ExpressVPN。 。

  1. Hi, When I connected it to xbox using the new vpn connection, I am only seeing ipv4 in settings, is there a way i can get it to be ipv6 like my normal connection?

  2. Hi,

    I have a question :

    Is it possible to get as many local ip adresses as I want by reconnecting the VPN or by any other ways you potentially know.
    I need that for android application on a different country playstore.
    So basically sharing VPN to my android devices is perfect but on top of that I need to be able to change as much as I want the Local Ip Adress of the VPN to be shared to my devices.

    Thanks for your help.

  3. Hi, This is awwesome… I'm in China and got stuck with a phone that needed Google authentication. I'm so thankful… Thanks for putting this video up!

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