如何在Windows Server 2008中設置VPN伺服器

我將執行基本步驟,以使用伺服器管理器和Windows Server 2008中的「添加角色嚮導」完全配置和訪問虛擬專用網路(VPN)伺服器

  1. your videos are great! Why would i do this rather than download the vpn client a company like astrill has and just run it all the time on the computer? Not really sure what I would use this for. could you please let me know? thanks

  2. please help. my vpn is working in lab environment. but not working in real scenario.
    i have acquire an static ip from my isp. its 59.90.51.X l. my LAN IP range is 192.168.X.X. I have a windows server 2008r2 installed with 2 LAN card. on the lan card which face the local lan is assigned with 192.168.x.x and other card with 59.90.51.X. my router is dlink router with dhcp configured in it. i have configured everything properly but its not working. please help.

  3. hi MIguel how are you…i have 1 server in my office so i have to configure Nat and vpn both in routing …but i am facing problem my NAT is working but my vpn connection is not connecting with the server "internal or external" both can you help me what is the problem

  4. Hi miguel, i am seting up a vpn server on windows server 2008, the server doesn't have and active directory enable, if i enable the feature of AD what are the consequences? may i lost mi current administrator user or the services running in that server will be afected? thanks

  5. We have a business and we currently wroking from two differnt location as my partner lives in other place, If i want to excess the files in his computer do we need to make his computer a server first and then connect with his computer via VPN ? Please i am using windows 8.1 and he has windows 7, Can i stilll connect to his computer and excess the files on his computer?

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