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  1. I think every second now uses a VPN, but this will not give full anonymity on the Internet. I also advise you to use the torus, and Utopia for communication

  2. If uou use vpns every thing about you will be known by your vpn service provider instead of your regular internet service provider. That 's exactly the same.

  3. Today's video is brought to you by our sponsor, Nord VPN! Protect your privacy from prying eyes with military-grade encryption. Buy Nord VPN today using the promo code in the description down below for 55% off one year subscription!

  4. Just purchased the PIA vpn and it cut my download from 180mb to 55mb. Not sure it』s worth it

    Edit: it actually is faster on my phone with the vpn ??‍♂️. So it is worth it.

  5. What he showed, when searching Expedia, is the method used by Expedia and all other sites like it, called "price discrimination".
    This means, that those online services may and may not give you a good price and discriminate against you based on your browsing habits and give a different price.
    You can see more at this documentary video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZVpbwz6kPk
    Even though the documentary is Canadian, this "price discrimination" is applied to everyone who attends these places online.
    Essentially, it says that having a secure and anonymous access to places like Expedia will not guarantee a lower price.

  6. Adding plugins like Privacy Badger or any other plugins to Tor highly reduces anonymity and security, as you are differentiating yourself from the other users who are taking advantage of the tor network, making it much easier to single you out and strip you of most of the anonymity you were trying to achieve in the first place. It helps them target ads toward you in particular, makes it easier to locate your true IP, etc. VPNs also see everything your ISP does so they can hand over any data to the government or any other agency who requests it. On to the last main problem with this video, Tails. Tails is made mostly for unfamiliar hardware while giving you more privacy and security than using the host machine, i.e. using a friends computer, a computer in a library, computer cafe, or any other public space, but it should NOT be used as a privacy solution on your host machine. A much better Live OS solution would be to use QubesOS, it uses a compartmental approach to privacy, using a plethora of virtual machines not linked with each other to ensure that even if one gets compromised all of the other VMs and more importantly the USB and host machine will stay clean and uninfected, and also ensures that your data from your host machine or other VMs in Qubes will keep your data safe and away from hackers, malicious software, or any other means for surveillance. Qubes will ensure a much higher level of privacy that that of which tails offers. I am in no way hating on LTT or anything like that, in fact I really like their content, I just wish the steps were better researched so proper security, privacy, and anonymity information could have been given to the gigantic audience it reaches. I'm not saying that what I have said above covers everything either, there is only so much that can be written in a comment, but even just the steps that I have listed would make you much more anonymous online than what was shown in this video. Not a lot of people are aware of the level of surveillance online and I just wish the video would have been researched better so that people could have a better understanding of basic and complicated privacy practices alike to stay secure online.

  7. LTT, will you be releasing a statement in regards to the sale of PIA to Kape? A company who was once known as Crossrider who were responsible for targeted adware only a few years ago.

  8. is there a free VPN (even if with daily limits) ; which can actually connect even in the presence of Firewalls installed by my ISP (college)? I had been finding it really hard when I tried with certain common VPNs!!

  9. You clearly don't understand that VPNs don't keep your passwords safe as they are already safe with HTTPS, military-grade encryption is not special as you're watching this with military grade encryption. VPNs are helpful for covering up crimes, making sure that college administrators can't see which websites are you going to and pirating. Learn more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVDQEoe6ZWY 1:09 Your data is already safe with HTTPS.

  10. This video is retarded and wrong. VPN's generally do fuck all for your privacy and security. As per demonstrated by the NordVPN hack, third party VPN services only add an attack vector to your communication setup.

    If you want to be save on untrusted networks, make your own VPN and add a Pi-Hole to boot. Cheaper, safer and actually useful.

  11. Get your tin foil hats on lads…. what your demoing here is such a crappy UX that I'd quite frankly rather be tracked by cookies, my ip and anything else…

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