iPhone X vs iPhone 11 Pro-您應該升級嗎?

iPhone X vs iPhone 11 Pro-您應該升級嗎?大家好,歡迎觀看Apple iPhone X和Apple iPhone 11 Pro之間的比較視頻。在本視頻中,我們將討論您是否應該在重要的手機的多個區域中從iPhone X升級到iPhone 11。距離iPhone 12僅7個月路程,這可能是升級錯誤,或者是一個不錯的選擇。如果您已從iPhone X升級到iPhone 11 Pro,請考慮與社區分享您的反饋,一如既往,感謝您的觀看!

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iPhone X vs iPhone 11 Pro速度測試:


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*免責聲明:尼克·阿克曼(Nick Ackerman)是亞馬遜服務有限責任公司聯合計劃的參與者,該計劃是一項會員計劃,旨在通過廣告並將產品鏈接到www.amazon.com,為網站提供賺取廣告費的途徑

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  1. I like the new camera capabilities and features of the iPhone 11 Pro but no.. I』m sticking with my iPhone X. I』m happy with my phone and I don』t think that the extra money that I need to spend for the 11 Pro is justifiable.

  2. I had my X for about 1.5. First time i never even bothered keeping up with smartphone technology or new models. It still feels brand new and still Give me the woah feeling from the performance and build quality. I will just change battery soon and keep it going untill the phone give up. 10/10

  3. I upgraded from the X to the 11 pro. I do not notice any difference in screen brightness to warrant the upgrade. The cameras are a huge upgrade so if your into photography and battery life yes. Other then that wait for the 12!

  4. I wish Apple would keep the wallpapers of older devices on ALL devices and add the newer wallpapers to the old devices. Like the iPhone X wallpapers on the iPhone XS and newer and the iPhone 11 Pro wallpapers on the iPhone XS and older. The x had some beautiful wallpapers

  5. I probably upgrading soon not waiting for new phones coming trying deals won』t cost me arm and leg lol .. what I thinking upgrading to iPhone 11 , xs max refurbished , note 10 plus .. iPhone 11 Pro Max too much

  6. The iPhone X is still great so I say if u have the money then upgrade to the iPhone 11 pro but if don't have the money to upgrade then stick with the iPhone X

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