視覺確認關於冠狀病毒和5G的真相! WFS !!!

「因為我知道我為你制定的計劃宣告了耶和華,計劃使你繁榮而不損害你,計劃給你帶來希望和未來。」 (耶利米書29:11







求主的名。 (「凡奉耶和華名的人都將得救。」羅馬書10:13)

「我就是道路,真理和生命。只有通過我我才能來到天父。」 (約翰福音14:6)

「當你用口宣告耶穌是主,並相信你的心,上帝從死里復活了他時,你就會得救。因為人憑著心就相信並且是有道理的,口中的認罪就是要得救的。」 (羅馬書10:9-10)


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  1. I heard that now things are shut down in China, 5G is being set up. China will be ready for with the whole best system. Bill Gates has the patent for previous corona viruses and we have no reason to think he wouldn't have this one. I believe he has the vaccine, but that is not a vaccine I want. I knew right from the beginning it's from the Bio lab in Wuhan and it
    didn't get out by accident. People have been told their pets will get the virus and pass it on, so they are being thrown out of windows to their deaths. Others are being picked up by the Chinese authorities. I presume they will be put down. Now the bird flu. This means chickens and whatever other animals will be put down too. It seems like China wants to get rid of all animals. Why Ps Tim? I cant work that one out. God bless.

  2. Hear what the Spirit is saying: "What I have shown you, you must do. I Am leading you to what you are going to do. Find My Way of doing and give it all to Me. Singing will help you stay with it. Follow what I will show you and I will do it. It is in you to do what I tell you. For it can be more than you know. Give Me your all and it is I that will call. Keeping this going is not hard at all when you flow with Me the One you know. Follow My Ways as I see fit. Making it this day is is helping ou for what I want it to be. Be in the flow all day and it will make your way. Walking and talking these things will keep your in the flow. It is I you must know. Don't look to these other things they will keep you from it. I will show you more than you knowWithout the flow it will make it harder to go. Sing with the Spirit and the understanding. My joy is coming and more is what it will be. Doubting these things will keep them from coming. Release your faith and trust these are all Mine. We can flow much more than you know." May you have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. God bless those who receive it. Maranatha!

  3. @Venkatesh G  So for the first 2 days after infection your viral numbers increase and you start shedding the virus while asymptomatic. You then move into the symptomatic phase which doesn't affect all (Some feel very minor cases of the flu and then recover) and during this time you still shed the virus.
    After your symptoms slow you remain contagious for between 1 – 3 days, and your body has produced antibodies, you then do one of two things. Around 11%~ go into stage 2 which affects your lungs and you contract the viral pneumonia, of which a further 15%~ of these patients it is fatal. It is important to note that stage two affects those who's immune systems are weak/ those already affected with lung and respiratory problems. The others remain contagious for a few days and then you're recovered.

    The R0 value in China (changes from region due to healthcare/response/population density) is 3.80~4.08 whereas in the UK and USA it's got an R0 of 2.45~2.87

    The virus has been confirmed to have gone through several generations e.g. in Germany the first patient was asymptomatic the entire time and infected 2 people. During the second generation she infected 3 others in Shanghai. The 2 she infected in Germany went on to infect 3 people. So in a short time by the second generation she had infected 4 people, and those she had infected had infected 3. It is important to note she was asymptomatic had no major health issues and reported very mild symptoms. Those she has infected may go on to catch the viral pneumonia, where respirators are needed in critical conditions. After recovery (if not fatal) almost 100% of the cases contracted a bacterial infection afterwards.

    It is also important to note, while one person is infecting others, by the time human to human first takes place the index patient would have gone on to infect others.

    Reports have suggested children under the age of 15 do not show any symptoms but remain contagious.

  4. A Corona virus is named after the sun like crown around It
    The corna is the sun Ray's
    The suns crown of Thorns
    He has come again

    I lived my whole life as a atheist
    This sends Shivers down my spine

  5. Can you guys please pray that my ex girlfriend and I reunite. We recently just split , and we』ve been together for 2 yrs. i』m not gonna lie the breakup is because of me . I shouldn』t have been vulgar and bashed her as i did with words. That』s one thing I ask the lord to help me with and due to that i』ve seen my way and willing to change that . Just please she was my first and I was her first and made many promises to each other as well as God and I don』t want to lose that. I want to be rapture ready with her and I really do care for her. She』s starting to fall to much into the world and it』s making her act a little different but I swore never to give up on her. I love her dearly . Just please pray for us. Thank you

  6. WOW!! I saw a video of raw footage in china ..they were laying in the streets and twitching
    and it looked like being controlled by something..something about this virus is zombie like..cant wait to leave this horrible place..praying for china..God bless you tim!

  7. Pastor Tim, thank you for your posts–I look forward to them daily. There appears to be some connection to the starting of 5G and this virus–although I do not understand exactly what it is. Look at this youtube posting as it has several "coincidences": 5G Launches In Wuhan Weeks Before Coronavirus Outbreak . Interesting video. Evil is at work in this world and we are blessed to know that our God is greater than our enemy. Bless you and your ministry.

  8. Be about your Fathers business…use this time to witness and build upon the foundation of Christ. Let the catching away catch you working in the vineyard spreading the Gospel. Let's stop wining about going home and get busy!!!!

  9. Pastor Time…..again PLEASE WAIT TO RECORD UNTIL YOU HAVE A GOOD SIGNAL!!!! The audio cutting, electronic interference, etc…..makes your message IMPOSSIBLE to follow! And we NEED TO HEAR THEM SO MAKE SURE WE ACTUALLY CAN!!!!

  10. Please pray for my husband I believe he isn』t saved. I have had a vision and a dream from god confirming that he isn』t I also may have other family that isn』t as well

  11. U keep saying vision. How does the visions look. The steps and events of it. U cant just say vision without things happening in it. I am a visionee also.

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