Red Dead Redemption 2 Online,又名Bug Simulator 2020,Google Stadia除外

是的,我們正在Google stadia上播放Red Dead Online,因為它是唯一可以運行的地方。


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華碩Thor 1200W PSU

沒有版權聲音: …。

  1. You keep saying that Rockstar uses Peer to Peer connections. How exactly does that work, if they are completely down? Don』t you connect to their servers to play on line? Can you please do a video explaining this more in depth?

  2. I hate Rockstar communication. Servers are broken Rockstar trying fix but the fix introduce more bugs. Rockstar need speak with community. They need fix connection problems and other problems . Animal spawns are different problem if they can't spawn animal with 24 people there are couple solution make 12 limit or make hunting missions

  3. Hey Tagback, always look forward to seeing your next RDR2 episode. Your comments are some of the top 😉 But I do have a True Honest question ("and its not where to find the best horse 😉 LOL") Why do you use an Xbox Controller when you have a PS4 on hand ? 🙂 Keep up the awesome none click bait Episode Even the wife has been enjoying your vids 🙂

  4. I'm new to RDO, which role do you Think is best to start with and why? Only thing I done is creating a character and the "intro" so far and some minor exploring around the Camp. So havent really started get you can say. Not new to the game though only new to onlinemode

  5. I watch you all the time man. I also play RDR online every day on PC since it came out. It DOES work, about 80% of the time, the animal spawns issue is on and off. You folks really should stop saying that the game doesnt work on any other platform, because it's not entirely true. I get all my stuff done every day. Could it be better, hell yeah. But it is doable.

  6. Hey tagback if you want a creepy theres one (idk if you have taken it before) but either way it is right before manzanita post and its four small houses on the map ly by the way

  7. So on 31st Jan I sent a bug report through the Rockstar site adv on the usual – no camp spawn, no moonshine shack, no animals…..the usual. And yesterday, 2nd Feb, the miracle happened – everything is fixed. I've logged on several times and never had more than 10 in the lobby & I literally can't move for animals. Could be luck, or could be R* set my profile somehow to work properly. Took 20 mons in Big Valley to fill my camp with trade stuff till Cripps could accept any more animals and my wagon was also still full of perfect carcass. So if people haven't presented any official feedback, maybe its worth a try.

  8. Hey man I really love your channel but I can tell you're just tired of this game. Even if your fans are begging you to play I'd just be honest with them.

  9. Ok so maybe they can't do anything about the animal spawn problem but they could at least make it so the quality doesn't drop when you kill it with the wrong type of weapon as long as it's not fire or explosive

  10. It's absolutely ridiculous the hate Stadia is getting, and it's almost exclusively from people who haven't even actually used Stadia themselves. They're just jumping on the band wagon and mindlessly parroting each other.

    Especially annoying is this on the RDO reddit where people bitch their diapered little asses off about all the things that are broken in RDO only to in the next breath mock Stadia, a platform they've never used, and the only platform that the game actually works really fucking well on.

    Fucking hell people, at least give Stadia a fair shake. Is it because people are such massive fanboys for whichever platform they have chosen that they somehow feel threatened over a new platform entering the market so they have to try to destroy it before it actually gets a foothold?

  11. The XBox controller is not the best yet. I tried over Christmas and had to go back to the Stadia controller. I just assumed it was because I was using Linux and the Vivaldi browser. But the spinning may be the controller.

    PS// So funny playing two games at once, didn't realize that was even possible…well that's something you can't do on console or PC

  12. I』d rather you play on something that works than the og crash simulator lol thank god for Stadia(: ALSO! I hope your surgery goes well tomorrow (:

  13. Story time! I once was a great hunter of legendary and dangerous animals. But until once… there was just one thing left. The legendary BEAVER! i hunted it down and took the shot but… i forgot how beautifull and harmless it was. suddenly i felt bad for killing it. but i sold it anyway then i headed back to camp, i talked a bit to miss tilly and said… im stopping hunting, i keep killing animals without a reason and yeah it rewards some good tasty stew but it just isnt right killing these animals (but innocent folk is). and that was the day i STOPPED

    Hope you enjoyed the story and uh.. "see you at the next one"

  14. "Playing on Stadia today because it's the only platform that works."
    ::Proceeds to spin around in circles, drop pelts, run horse into a tree.::

  15. Animal spawns have been better lately on consoles but still kind of crappy. Ive been turning off social matchmaking and that helps a bit as it keeps player sessions somewhat low. Since doing that the most players I've seen is 20 and as few as 10. Rockstar still needs to really fix this shit but its better than it was months and even weeks ago in my opinion.

  16. Clearing your cache on ps4 is holding L1 and R1 through the loading screen,but only after you power down your ps4 for 5 minutes and restart it. I heard you talking about it in the stream.

  17. This is honestly making me want to order Stadia. I haven't even loaded into RDO on PS4 because of the horrible bugs in the game. Since I can only play online a few hours a week it's been a major deterrent to me personally attempting RDO. For $129 it doesn't look to bad, esp with Chromecast included. Might be the best way for me to get into RDO and finally move on from GTAO

  18. I just count on being disconnected at least twice a day at this point on ps4. I thought Rockstar made lots of money and wouldn』t have these problems.

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