G.E.M.鄧紫棋【平凡天使Angels】音樂錄影帶| #WUHANJIAYOU |反應


視頻:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = N-xQLlNftXQ
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  1. Before & After reaction talk is just our opinion. You don't have to agree but please no insults in the comments. Discussion and debate are welcome. p.s: If you see ads it's because the video got copyright claim… because MV tends to get claim all the time. Anyone can claim a video pretending to own a piece of it. This is how the copyright system work on YouTube.

  2. I think you should not accuse China Government hiding big number behind without any evidence especially people is working so hard to fight for the virus, The Chairman already states that they will not hide anything. Do you think the number one person in China will tell lie to the world ?
    Even US Government, who is big enemy of China says that this time China is very transparent and so as WHO.

  3. I live in a city near Wuhan like 40km away, the situation is very severe, all cities in Hubei are lockdown, all my family can only stay at home. If I need to go outside to purchase living supplies, I have to report to the community. Everyday I woke up, the first thing I can do is to watch the news on the social media.
    Now in China, we don't know when will the epidemic end, but we all know that the Hubei province government lost trust of people all across the country, they hid the truth in the beginning, the governer and secretory of Hubei and mayor and secretory of Wuhan prove to be incompetence, although the mayor said to state media that he and the secretory of Wuhan are willing to accept dismissal after this. The Red Cross Society of Wuhan is incompetence, it's rediculous that Red Cross lost trust of people, Red Cross is now the enemy of Chinese people. Instead, people turn to the fundation set by Han Hong, people trust Han Hong for her transparent efforts in philanthropy these years(because of the overload of work, Han Hong fell ill in the hospital in past days, but today she went to the dangerous Wuhan to make sure the supplies to be safe. She is a great singer, and a great woman).
    Everyday we see the news on television or social media like Weibo, bad news are coming to us, the bureaucracy is destroying our province. But this time, I don't blame central government, they did soooo much better than the government of the whole province especially of Wuhan, without the central government taking in charge, Hubei could be much worse.
    We thank all people in our country for their selfless help. The medical supplies and doctors from every other provinces are sent to Hubei to help us fight the virus. We also thank our friends all over the world especially countries in Asia for sending the supplies. We are angry about our government, but we still have hope, because the central government are gathering the energy from the whole country doing their best to help us, because of the secenes you see in this video, and more.These secenes are only part of what is happening in China in Hubei in Wuhan everyday, there are so much more stories that are heartbreaking, desperate, heartwarming, moving, cheering happening in China every minute, there are love towards people, there are hatred towards bureaucracy.We are experiencing an unprecedented turning point. Thank you, thank all the people in the world that care about us.
    I don't speak fluent english, so my words might be misunderstanding somehow. So if you want to know more specifically, I can explain to all of you.

  4. G.E.M. said:
    Seeing news online six days ago, a young man hurriedly "runs away" after delivering 500 masks to the police station. The police can』t catch up and saluted him remotely.

    I don't know why, I am really touched by this news. Without asking for reward or praise, he just wanted to make a little effort at the moment and give his own heart.

    Later, I also saw a lot of reports that made people feel affectionate: farmers ride 40 kilometers to deliver food to the medical team, Wuhan couples deliver meals to the hospital 24 hours, doctors and sons are protected by protective glass, and young men and friends purchase 25 Thousands of disposable medical masks were donated anonymously to Wuhan, and the youth bought the last box of masks to share with the neighborhood and so on.

    Maybe in the big environment, you don't think you can do much, but you don't know how "insignificant" in your eyes actually brings much warmth to the world. Although it is difficult at this moment, fortunately, there is every brave frontline staff and every "backing" who contributes their own small power! When you pray to see miracles, do you believe that the answer is you?

    ??From G.E.M.』s facebook or instagram:

    Lyrics translation:
    Don't be afraid of the long night
    Look up and see the stars are now in a line
    Maybe a test
    See if the scattered hearts are side by side at this moment

    When you pray to see miracles
    Do you believe that the answer is you

    You are the most ordinary but warmest angel
    In the wind and rain at this moment , fortunately have your persistence

    Your teary smile will bring a rainbow after the rain someday
    The world because of you , moved in pain

    How many bumps along the road
    How much heavy rains have we ever spent
    Although will be afraid and sad
    In the same boat,we no need to flinch

    When you pray to see miracles
    Do you believe that the answer is you

    You are the most ordinary but warmest angel
    In the wind and rain at this moment , fortunately have your persistence
    Your teary smile will bring a rainbow after the rain someday
    The world because of you , moved in pain

  5. I wish all Chinees people and other affected people strength and good health??????it』s must be so hard and difficult???❤️❤️
    I will pray for them. May God will always be with them????

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