為什麼Google會讓PIXEL 4a比Pixel 4 XL更好? (以及在Google Pixel 5之前)

谷歌Pixel 4a泄漏揭示了一些令人困惑的Pixel 4a XL 5G謠言,這些謠言給整個Google Pixel陣容帶來了巨大問題,並對Google Pixel 5造成了不良影響✅贊助)

?以前的Google Pixel 4a泄漏視頻:https://youtu.be/hguojmnB5hc
PixelGoogle Pixel 3a評測:https://youtu.be/1_2-aPCGW2U
?GooglePixel 4 XL評測:https://youtu.be/q-6x1kjSMrk


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Here’s everything we know about the Google Pixel 4a so far


Here’s everything we know about the Google Pixel 4a so far


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  1. ✅Get amazing royalty-free footage from STORYBLOCKS https://storyblocks.com/thisistechtoday (sponsored)
    ? ️QOTD: What do you think Google will do with the Pixel 4a line and the upcoming Pixel 5 line? How will they reconcile this mess they have made out of their lineup? Also, would you even want a 5G enabled mid-tier Pixel device and if so, how much would you pay for it?

  2. Hmm to me the issue isn't the 4a being better than the Pixel 4/XL, but rather the Pixel 4 being so lackluster for a premium smartphone in it's respective category. It's like Dave Lee said, it's almost like one company is designing the "a" phones and another with the Pixel 4/XL. You can excuse some of the Pixel 4/XL shortcomings with it's strengths, but in comparison with the competition and at that price range, you really shouldn't have to…

  3. First of all, I really appreciated what Google did with the 3a line up last year. I was hoping they continued the trend for their 4a line up. Please Google….. Don't screw this up.
    And secondly, you recent thumbnails have been hilarious. Thanks for this vid!

  4. Making the 4a XL 5G better than the current flagship is the most Google thing ever. Of course, they would do it. It is very clear Google has NO CLUE where they are going with hardware. They should actually step back and look at the big picture. Some people definitely need to be fired or reassigned elsewhere at this point. Like many others, I keep waiting to upgrade my 2XL but can't. The 3 and 4 aren't upgrades. They are lateral moves, expensive lateral moves at that.

  5. How can you compare pixel 4 price with iPhone 11 and oneplus 7t? They are the budget flagship. Pixel 4 isn't. OnePlus with no ip rating, no wireless charging and not as good camera. iPhone 11 with LCD, and non hd display, and lower built quality

  6. The google pixel 4 and 4xl are available only in specific countries.. Its not available in India due to its radar technologies which are not approved by the Indian Government.. Therefore they maybe making the Pixel 4a and 4xl without the radar technology to launch it globally..

  7. Don't worry about 5g. Just make a decent battery for once. Come on Google. My pixel 2xl wants a worthwhile upgrade. Nothings worth upgrading too atm.

  8. Google just simply can』t afford to be screw up anymore, every pixel phone except the 3a has had major flaws and drawbacks and simply no one is interested in them I don』t see anyone where I live using a google pixel and no one I know uses them, google got to be better at tv marketing with adverts like Samsung and apple as I have only ever seen a pixel 4 ad on YouTube and not everyone is going to see them on YouTube

  9. Google should hire you as their Pixel product marketing manager. The current " use the force to guide you" team is and has been a hot mess for years.

  10. Sprint just drastically dropped their monthly lease price on the 3, 3a, 4, and 4XL to almost half of what it was a week ago. The Pixel 3XL still commands a high price. I ordered the 4XL as an upgrade at $20/month on an 18 month lease. I did shell out an extra $100 up front for 128 gb.

  11. I use a 150 dollar phone with a pixel experience custom rom and compare my cheap phone even with the 3a it's way better except in the camera department

  12. Leave 5G alone, Google. Just give us a 3a with a slightly updated design, 6GB of RAM, UFS, snapdragon 7xx and keep the fingerprint scanner. Price it exactly like the 3a and I'll have a reason for upgrading my 2 XL.

  13. I find it funny how tech reporters seem to think everyone actually cares about this drivel. Nearly everyone j know update phones every 3 to 4 years. If you live on the bleeding edge have fun caring about this. The rest of us will live comfortably with good enough.

  14. 2 things. (Sent from my original Pixel)
    1). Maybe google is realizing that GOOD mid price phones that have slower processors but otherwise are great and can be amazing thanks to software are awesome; they've got a winner. Better phones at a lower price point instead of flagship prices with midrange storage and features….

    2) Brandon, I feel like all I ever see from you are Pixel videos. That's not am insult, I really like your videos. I am not a creator, so I don't know how how difficult it is, but I speak for a lot of people when I say we would love to see more stuff from you.

  15. The Pixel 4/4 XL are a disappointment in my opinion. I think Google is smart to make the 4a better. It is pointless for Google to go backwards and limit the 4a series based on the 4/4 XL.

  16. Google should give up on the premium market and double down on the midrange market. They're excellent at midrange stuff and affordable tech.

  17. No XL model, baa humbug. But I'm still interested as long as they use the 765processer and the price stays at 399.oo? I still think they will sell boatloads if the price stays the same. Let's go ?!

  18. May make…. You had nothing positive to say about the Pixel 4 when that came out and now this speculation..totally baseless videos. What does any phone company add to their phones ever year? Newer processor and cameras…and that's it. What's different about Google doing this?!

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