Loup Ventures:Google和Facebook是廣告市場的兩個領頭羊

Loup Ventures的創始人兼執行合伙人吉恩·蒙斯特(Gene Munster)談到了Google的第四季度財報以及特斯拉最近的股價上漲。 。

  1. Zucklebreg has been selling meta to mossad. Ohh no their an advertising.. Careful don't download Facebook in to your phone or mossad will look through your browsing history.

  2. Facebook beat but it's cost rose by 50%. I don't know why their cost rise indicates something about the ad market. their cost is more associated with the regulatory head winds.

  3. he doesnt think facebook puts the world in a better place? What about all the business its created and new jobs online.. networks, facebook groups. Facebook has CHANGED my life for the better, not becuase of all the dumb things my freinds post, but by meeting people and joining investing groups and network with people i would have never been able to with before! Let alone it helps me keep in touch with people iv met in my life, and keep in contact with people that have moved away, etc. LIFE changing products.

  4. I just watched a video from this man in the link below. This is his latest video, you need to see the video he made yesterday. https://youtu.be/Bckyfvz2_A0

    He uploaded a video of himself walking into the main hospital in Wuhan. Damn scary. They are not telling the truth about the deaths. As he walked into the hospital, they were stacking filled body bags into a small bus. They were calling out that they needed more bags. He walked into the hospital. A person died as he passed them in the corridor. Family wailing. He walked into a room where a father was just passing away. His son was their distressed. He was having problems breathing and would probably be dead by now. He visited the next room and the person had just passed.

    In the space of three minutes three people passed away while he was present and its on video. There seemed to be no structure of command in the hospital. People in doctors scrubs were just walking around doing nothing, it seemed. The were like zombies. The 30 crematoriums in the city, are all working 24/7 burning corpses. The state supplied two or three extra vehicles to each to go pick up bodies. The Govt has just waived all fee's for cremation.
    Check out his video. If what we saw was correct, then just from this hospital alone, from just three minutes and three deaths just where he went, the death rate is at least one per minute from four rooms and one corridor. That is 1440 per 24 hours from just a small section of a hospital.

    This same guy staked out a crematorium very late at night/early morning and counted the vehicles dropping of body bags. 2 to 3 an hour dropping off between 3 and eight bags. Taking the smaller number of 2 per hour and 5 bags that is 240 per day. Multiply by 30 crematoriums going 24/7 and you get 7,200 per 24 hours. That is on the low side.

    Remember the visit to the hospital? 8 bodies in less than 5 minutes.

    Please watch the video before it disappears. Check it out and see for yourself. Try and contact this person. He has quite a few subscribers.


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