02月04日2020 無線 晚間新聞 新型冠狀病毒//武漢肺炎 Hong Kong News, Wuhan Coronavirus Feb04

02月04日2020 無線 晚間新聞 新型冠狀病毒//武漢肺炎 Hong Kong News, Wuhan Coronavirus Feb04

(視頻內容可能有些暴力/不雅內容, 請自行決定/Video content may be somewhat violent/improper/vulgar/indecent, please view with your own discretion.)/(視頻有些不雅內容,所以可能用音樂代替/ Video content may be somewhat improper/vulgar/indecent, so was replaced by music)

Special thanks and credit to the TVB 無線 team
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 無線翡翠台 晚間新聞報道 (2020-02-04)

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  1. Thanks for all who leave the valuable comment here, but please bear in mind :
    請務必保持評論的尊重並遵守 YouTube 的社區準則
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