冠狀病毒令人震驚的真相5G採訪David DuByne和Mark Steele

我與Mark Steele和David DuByne談論的是冠狀病毒大流行,5G背後的真相以及如何幫助自己。請通過https://www.patreon.com/JasonLiosatos支持演出,並在https://www.youtube.com/user/GlobalPeaceTV/videos上查看所有採訪。

  1. Jason, I'm so sorry you've been proven right. I would have hoped you to been wrong. Of course I've known for years the same as you and I too am laughed at and ignored by my family. I still don't understand why they are killing the whole planet. Insanity. People will starve everywhere cause everything is contaminated everywhere… the sprays from the sky alone is killing everything living, slowly.

  2. Thank you very much for the video. 2018 April-June, when I walked around my house peeing all over, falling faint and stuck for breath, I knew it was 5G because such strange things never would happen otherwise.
    I understand my prediction wasn't wrong. After having been through the worst, I'm still alive in 2020 and have overcome those issues WITHOUT DOCTORS OR MEDICATION.

  3. In UK ONLY two cases reported as infected with Corona virus, you lot are stating within 2 weeks over 5,000 – 10,000 at least people will be infected and society will melt down? LOL , OK, let's see… I doubt this is going to happen, but people always should have food stocks ready in case of melt down of any sort.

  4. The lack of real education and manipulated truth by the puppeteers has led to the greatest potential calamity the world will ever see… We try and educate about the real world we exist in, not the matrix people think they live in. #1 thing to understand is that GERM THEORY is a HOAX and masks to protect from airborne viruses is a joke because there are no airborne viruses. Now if this Corona Virus is actually a new kind of digital biological weapon that interfaces with 5G then that is indeed worrisome..get plenty of sun and stay active, move to the country if you can and be in nature as much as possible. Thanks to people like David and Mark here, people are waking up to all of this in droves and demanding their sovereignty back. Mother Nature will have her way either way so hold on tight, gonna be a crazy ride!!

  5. Please go to http://www.WorldSoundHealingDay.org
    Gregg Braden is arranging this event on 14th February to raise the mass consciousness of the earth. Together with good loving intention we will take back our God given power and we will evolve together to a higher plane of existence where peace and love reign.
    It's important we all do what we came here to do at this critical time for humankind… all is well because so many now realise our true potential as creators, not slaves! Drop your negative thoughts, get rid of fear, laugh out loud, smile, be kind, make good choices with good intention.
    Join Gregg Braden on 14th
    We all come from the exact same place….CONSCIOUSNESS to have a human experience… now we must use our conscious thoughts to make this World a place where human life can thrive, be happy and fulfilled in every way…do it for the children.

  6. POWER to the people power to the Human race Lord rid us of evil and we will make this world a better place Oh Lord we are sorry we let them Dumb us down now Lord we have you we will bring these Evils down ??

  7. POWER to the people POWER to the Human race LORD rid us of evil and we will make this world a better place, Oh Lord we are Sorry we let them Dumb us down now Lord we have you we will bring these Evils down ?????

  8. Wearing a clinical mask will not protect anyone against viruses. The masks cover the nose and mouth. In the corners of each eye there are nasolacrimal ducts commonly known as tear ducts. These tear ducts connects to the back of the throat. This is a pathway into your throat and respitory system for viruses.. So, you would need a full face respirator to guarantee protection against inhaling a virus.

  9. Wuhan to establish Hubei』s first 5G demonstration zone                     Source:                    hubei.gov.cn                    09/05/2019 17:09:12                 Wuhan, capital of central China's Hubei Province, will establish the province』s first 5G demonstration zone in the Central Business District(CBD), according to a 5G cooperation agreement signed between China Mobile and local authorities on September 3.According to the agreement, China Mobile will take advantage of technological advantages of large-scale network construction and product development to build a 「dual Gigabit infrastructure network」, so as to promote the deep integration of 5G technology and traditional industries.China Mobile has teamed up with local authorities to pilot 5G services in Wuhan, witnessing central China』s first 5G smart street-lamp built in the Jianghan District. The 5G coverage for commercial use in Jianghan is expected to be completed in October.(hubei.gov.cn by Zhang Yawei)

  10. Coronavirus and HIV research paper review by Dr. Paul Cottrell


    The Coronavirus has been EDITED with parts of the HIV virus……….

    Designed to destroy T-CELLS!!!!!!!

    No T-cells, no immune system, 5g ZAP and goodnight.

    A Trojan Trojan????

    Rumours abound that HIV meds are being used in China to cure Coronavirus????? Mmmmm

    Please watch all this guy KNOWS his stuff


  11. RE your comment on removing all videos that do not comply with man made global warming…the videos cannot be taken down from a site that uses BLOCKCHAIN technology.

  12. Prince Phillip quote: In 1988 on 「overpopulation」 he said: 「In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation」?
    – Please pray for humanity ??

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