新型冠狀病毒 | 美國人北京實拍:疫情給生活帶來了什麼變化?還能買口罩嗎?








#新冠肺炎 #新型冠狀病毒 #北京 #實拍 #vlog #coronavirus #老外 #歪果仁 #外國人
#美國人 #病毒 #武漢加油 .

  1. I』m now self-quarantined in a hotel in Washington DC. Please remember that those suffering or not just numbers. They』re people, too! Thank you to all the medical professionals fighting on the front lines trying to help those affected and preventing further spread of the Coronavirus!

  2. 看見Danny回家消毒的一系列流程,真的很心酸,這還只是北京,那武漢該怎麼辦啊?武漢是我家鄉,我很難想像國內的親朋好友是如果度過,我也在dc,每天關心著國內的一切消息,希望能儘早度過難關

  3. 夏天到來前對疫情別太樂觀,這病毒會一直進化,加上幾個野戰型醫院的做法,出現超級病毒都不意外,最辛苦與危險的就是被迫要站在前線的醫護人員與維安人員,若沒做好防護,未來最大的感染群一定在這塊。

  4. Según la BBC, el brote ha matado a más de 630 personas e infectado a más de 31000. ¿Cree que el número de las víctimas será mucho mayor de lo que expuso el gobierno chino?

  5. thanks for sharing this, but I thought the mask is controlled item and why is that they can raise the price just like that?Isnt it illegal?

  6. What is your real motive in writing this? A few hundred cases have been reported in Beijing.  So what? Gunshots killed more people in USA than Coronavirus. Should people still go out, visit groceries, gyms, bars, churches? You are a son of a greyhound running the wrong directions !

  7. Dear Xi Jinping, please ban the consumption of rats, bats, snakes and lizards in your country. You can't continue to be a First World and still practise Third World hygiene.

  8. 北京現在外面人少應該一方面是中國還沒正式開工,另一方面是大家也自覺儘量不出們不到人群擁擠地方的關係吧,總之大家加油

  9. You』re wearing your mask wrong. You need to bend the metal to perfectly fit with your nose and face so no air can get inside.
    And don』t disinfect your mask lol. Put it in the hazardous items bin. You need to change your mask every time you go outside. Doctors change their mask every time they see a new patient. So when doing morning/afternoon/evening rounds, they might change 50 masks in one round.

  10. 天子腳下的北京 如果現在拍出來是連物資都缺乏 大概中國就要倒了 繼續看下去吧 能不能控制住要看最慘的地方 但中共會讓你拍出來的 肯定是最光鮮亮麗的地方 你懂的

  11. Finally a dude who isn't just being dramatic and fear mongering like other certain China-based Youtubers who use the platform to be negative about the country. Subscribed!

  12. 三里屯啊,藥店,烤鴨店,京客隆,這是我家附近啊。。祝我的北京,我們的北京,中國都快一點好起來啊!

  13. That wasn't a good hand wash. At least 20 seconds and rinse real good. The friction while washing and rinsing removes the germs. Just want you to be safe. Appreciate you showing us around the stores.

  14. yes, pets in wuhan are so pity. If their owners are quarantined, the pets just can only be starved to death, particularly fishes in fish tank.

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