





75多年來,加拿大廣播公司一直是CBC新聞的來源,以使他們了解自己的社區,他們的國家和世界。通過CBC電視台,CBC新聞網,CBC廣播,CBCNews.ca,移動和點播等多個平台上的區域和國家節目,CBC新聞及其國際知名的屢獲殊榮的新聞工作者團隊提供了突發新聞,分析和對加拿大人重要的性格。 。

  1. US spy on everyone on earth through its 4G, Intel, Cisco, Microsoft, Google…..
    It is afraid of its own shadow when 5G is spearhead by China.

  2. First of all whatever vendors U used, there will be hackers sophisticated enough state sponsored or not that can hacked into these systems as proven time and time again. Which system had been proven to contain backdoors – Cisco. Which country is spying on it's own citizens and allies – ask Edward Snowdon. Canada had already grant access to Hauwei for decades and if Hauwei really sends data to China, China had already got all the data it needs. So exclusion of Hauwei which had the best tech and cheapest out there is just a political decision. Is Canada just a lapdog of the US just like Japan and Australia (BTW NZ is considering like Canada and not banning Hauwei)? Besides U are assuming the 2 Michael are innocent. They may be involved in some grey areas which China can overlook or turn a blind eye if relations are good.

  3. So, you are basing your reason to not allow Hauwei on the 2 Michaels. Let's suppose the Judge decides to let Meng go home,and perhaps the Michaels are freed, then would you say, ok. allow Hauwei to install 5g any where in Canada? I don't think so, i think it is just an excuse. I think you are having a racial problem. White evangelicals superiority problem.

  4. If UK decide to allow Huawei on 5G, then the US could no longer shared technical sensitive information specially on Military stuff…… the best US could do is better off exiting from UK……….. UK is better off with Ericson, or Nokia or Samsung…….. They are Manufacturer and supplier of 5G infrastructure in the world.

  5. Doesn't Canada still have the issues with China over Huawei? Doesn't china still have Canadian's in prison over Huawei? I wonder if this is why Canada can't fly out Canadian's in Wuhan like everyone else. UK was able to after they signed over to Huawei.

  6. Edward Snowden Revelations: The US spies on everyone on the planet , adversary and vassal alike. US and some US vassals: But but China ! -> This has nothing to do with espionage, for the US it is all about great power "competition" and staying number one in the world. The US uses hybrid warfare and their "cookie monsters" to fight its rivals, be it China , Russia or any other country that does not follow US interests or US orders.

  7. US has not been able to present any fact on security concerns on Huawei. It is all political and intended to protect their own industry. The "if you cannot beat them, ban them concept".

  8. 26000 scientists oppose 5g due to its detrimental impact on health..5g was activated in Wuhan October 31 2019 and one of the health side effects is flu like symptoms..ring a bell??

  9. Seems sensible. Dunno why Canada is sitting on the fence…might end up becoming a wall.

    No issue with Huawei. Has far less (zero) back doors than say Cisco.

    Besides we spoke to a certain Ms A Merkel in Germany, she seemed rather ticked off her phone was being tapped, and it wasn't the Chinese.

    Care for some quid pro quo in the future…:D

  10. Lol all the salty Americans in the comment forgot about the evidence presented by their own Edward Snowden, but talks trash about the lack of evidence of Huawei accusations.

  11. This CBC host is just interrogating and not seeing the full picture, the benefit of Huawei. Trying to push for some form of propaganda.

  12. With all the concrete proven evidences of Huawei security risks, the media is doing the public a disservice by not clearly explaining and articulating those evidences so that the public is educated. By not doing so it runs the risk of sounding like just following political correctness hype.

  13. 5G is not safe….period! From a security perspective, no way should China have access to other countries communication networks…how foolish this is.

  14. The first time you got fooled, understandable. The second time you got fooled, disappointing. The third time you got fooled, deserving. China has been the epicentre of lies, blatant lies and perfectly consistent lies. Until their lies are taking on the characteristics of reality.

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