
因此,這家中國電信巨頭足夠安全,可以在新的5G網路中發揮作用。 (訂閱:https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)

  1. BIG mistake for the U.K. ! The risks will be hard to manage given the lack of technological expertise by the U.K. Instead, I find interesting no one is backing up the European company NOKIA who can compete with the Chinese on 5G. Every great economy has a computer communications corporation leading the way..perhaps it』s time for the Europeans to do the same…isn』t it shameful that China was able to do this in 20 years since their emergence to the world stage and the EU HAS BEEN AROUND FOR FORTY YEARS…WHY IS THAT? They』re plenty of smart and capable engineers in Europe..

  2. Here we go again…UK putting our western intelligence at risk again! Why would any nation place their intelligence with a foreign nationalized corporation?

  3. tom has lost my vote. the yanks spy on all of us in the uk. and what special relationship. they will soon put more tax on our goods when they want to. the only good yank is a dead yank

  4. Do they not understand that Huawei is also the dominant vendor when it comes to LTE in the UK.
    You already are using their fucking equipment for key infastructure.

  5. Okay, no Huawei, no problem. So where's your alternative network we can buy and implement in the same timeframe, Mr. President? For even less cost preferably, because free trade and all.

  6. KNOWING ur enemy has technological advantage over you…and you STILL invite them into ur telecom network NOT KNOWING how far ADVANCE in Tech they have OVER you is a GRAVE chess piece move…in time…CHECKMATE!
    CCP Regime will have one of the military advantage point over EU.
    Britain's telecom network will be their backdoor to EU
    in turn if any communications btw other countries like the US..they will hear us.
    If say they are able to crack the military strategic placements of nuke warhead interceptors (which is top secret)….nothing can stop CCP.

  7. Boris is neck deep in this one, if for nothing else then the complexity of the regulatory environment in this new frontier.

  8. Why should we want the IOT anyway? In my thinking it enables coupling ordinary devices and appliances with software that enables them to run on a subscription based arrangement. And the communications of their required internet connections seem intrusive to me as collections of data on personal habits. Am I the only one who doesn't need to be told when to buy more milk? Clearly there are benefits to the IOT that I'm not yet aware of. Yet I can't help feeling that the IOT is a Rube Goldberg machine grown into a city sized absurdity. Why would we want infrastructure, at the potential risk of ourselves, that facilitates the absurdity of every durable good made into subscriptions like the Software as a Service model of business? I'm not adverse to tech, and for Tesla lovers my points are lost. But as a consumer, if I had the choice (big IF there because it appears shoved down our throats anyway), but if I had a choice would I buy a vehicle that can only function properly upon software updates connected to some patchwork of servers each requiring their own? Bad enough for people in their busy lives to keep up with the updates on their computers and the expense of the increasing rates of obsolescence. And we see how secure that's been. We've not perfected that security and yet we're leaping to make it all enveloping.

  9. If UK decide to allow Huawei on 5G, then the US could no longer shared technical sensitive information specially on Military stuff…… the best US could do is better off exiting from UK……….. UK is better off with Ericson, or Nokia or Samsung…….. They are Manufacturer and supplier of 5G infrastructure in the world.

  10. Perhaps this question can help decide if huawei is a risk – Is huawei a state own company? Or is it like an ordinary UK company that government have no influence in their investment and running of the business!

  11. Most countries in the world disagree with trump treatment of Huawei. Trump is no technology expert, nor a successful business man. Who should we trust? Answer is crystal clear.

  12. Think the Trump Administration already has to be careful in sharing intelligence with the UK based on its significant role in 「SpyGate.」

  13. There is no any risk Jesus Christ Every country been using huawei in past and what happened?? NOTHING
    This is purely only scrApple demand and tim cook went crying to trump to stop huawei in usa.. otherwise every american would have huawei phones

  14. UK already has Huawei installed in their 4g system. Has there been any evidence of spying by Huawei? NONE!!! It's proof that Huawei is safe and just
    simply sour grapes and racism against asians.

  15. "Have you looked up Dr. Xiangguo Qui on google or any search. She and her husband are duel citizens of Canada & China. She help China set up a Level 4 lab in Wuhan, China while working at Level 4 Lab in Winnipeg, MA. She also belongs to both Universities affiliated with each lab. I have red several articles about her. One on Twitter: "China and Viruses: The case of Dr. Qui" also view PDF below article. There was another article about her from India but can not find it. There was a 3rd article from CBC a followup story from article written in July 2019, original report of RCMP escort out of lab. I have to believe after all I have read, that Trudeau government is trying to cover it all up. She is accused of smuggling out biologicals on a commercial airliner!!" – Anonymous

  16. I dont know if US Gov spy on their own people but they do spy on other countries including allies
    I dont know if Chinese Gov spy on other countries but they do spy on the Chinese people
    Which one is more risky

  17. huawei is obviosuly an organ of the chinese communist party, why the british government is inviting the chinese to infiltrate the state』s telcom is beyond stupid ??‍♂️

  18. This squabble is all about blunting China's rise and has nothing to do with facts because there are none. The USA wants to stick your grubby spanner into China's works. What the Americans are doing is like cutting their noses to spike their faces. However in modern technology a lead of 18 months is like forever. The USA & allies do not have 5G and what is touted as 5G by Nokia and Erickson is fake 5G. If you don't have 5G you can't join the club and risk being backward !

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