
震驚:周星馳張柏芝開記者會承認結婚,下月巴黎補辦婚禮,希望得到大家的祝福 .

  1. Congrats to you and Stephen chow…….he is a good kind trusting man…he is responsible, he will look after you and family very well.
    Your boys need a father figure. The bible says put the past behind you. And start a new lif in Christ . Enjoy your new life Many blessings??????????

  2. 是你們在幫他炒作 人家根本就要過平靜的生活 是 你 們 爛視頻 為了賺錢 那他來當話題 還得了便宜又賣乖 一直講人家都不是 太差勁了 一點公德心好嗎

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