華為是美國5G的全球領導者-Ben Swann

隨著英國離英國退歐只有幾天的時間,英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜和國會已經做出了至關重要的決定,可能會影響他們與美國的關係。他們決定與華為達成協議,讓這家中國科技巨頭在5G推出中發揮有限的作用。調查記者Ben Swann加入《問題》進行討論。




  1. If there is ONE person using or working on 5G, there may be 10-20x the number of people in China using or working on 5G

  2. British mistake. Bad frequencies for health and terrible security problem. We cannot trust the China military. The British should get a painful clause if a backdoor is found.

  3. The US will ultimately behind the world..while they download their netflix movie within 16 minutes the rest of the world are downloading theirs in 3 seconds…china now is the top power in technology…just admit you just lost the race..thats the prize of having an old,fat, narcissistic arogant moron president.evil laugh.bwahahahahaha

  4. Huawei will be able to collect virtually ALL digital data that passes through their 5G networks – g l o b a l l y.

    They are planning to eclipse the US as the #1 Empire with information power and control over human activities, instead of military might.

    The Chinese empire is built on new technology barely 40 years old, whereas the entire infrastructural Western economic model is domination through tribal warfare powered by oil.

    It』s no wonder the US Intelligence community is frightened by China』s lightning efficiency at creating a totally mind-controlled world empire.

  5. Just one correction.Not "Trump say so",should be "US say so".Remember, when it comes to dealing with China,Trump have the backing of both the Demoncrates and Repuprickans.

  6. Must be boring being an american. Winning all the time and being tired of it. So much winning. During all this winning 50 million americans are living under the poverty line. According to the CIA world factbook.

  7. they 5G can talk to your toaster. trump's fear if hua wei 5G can talk to trump's balls & penis giving micro instructions to have ED (can't get it up) ? dementia brain President.?

  8. Did you know the Telco company like Verizon in US have started to install test network infrastructures at small parts in the US running 5G? This shows Trump is trying to buy time, holding back Huawei as long as possible so that the US can catch up and have a market share in the world or trying to be the leader for 5G. Too bad it's really hard to compete in terms of costs against Huawei. The reason first of all why Huawei dominated the 4G network worldwide was because of their lower prices. Nokia/Ericsson can supply 5G too but at the costs still higher than Huawei and their manufacturing and assembly facilities are, sorry to disappoint you Mr Trump, is located in China too.

  9. Because of the ban put on Huawei by the U.S, people all over the world know that Huawei is the leader in 5G techonology. President Trump, the Huawei's world promoter, lol

  10. One thing the world will never surpass the US in is global terrorism. No other country pushes for "Freedom and Democracy" harder than the US. Now if only Canada, Australia and New Zealand could grow some balls, do the right thing and follow the UK's lead on this 5G matter.

  11. passed Huawei guy doing their good work the other day, had to smile as its like an up yours gesture to Trump and his corrupt republican government , Trump and his America is the worlds bullies , the world sees it, when will americans

  12. My life experience tells me when there』s a way to take advantage of the situation, people usually take it.. China has a very obvious chance to spy on the world using huawei and they will definitely do it.. obviously not today but when the time comes.. it』s hard to resist the itch.. yeah I can see the hate for America in comments but at least the government is answerable to its people and free press.. Americans are sensible and not afraid to protest against such acts.. but I can』t say that about China.. it is ruled by a dictator and free speech and free press are a joke.. about Europe they are financially broke and are desperate for anything cheap.. it』s politicians are probably bribed by China.. yeah true story.. happened it Australia..

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