
周星馳求婚張柏芝成功,舉行婚禮地點曝光,謝霆鋒流淚回應! .

  1. 是爺應該對張柏芝有好感,不然就不會給張柏芝在"美人魚2"這部電影當女主角,氣質上完全壓倒了張允。

  2. To stay way from the gossip HK……my advice is go to America to put the boys in day boarding school , comes home every weekends, that way they can adjust to the life styles and make new friends much easier and happy life. Stephen needs to read up to how to get on with younger generation….to raise a kid you need to treat them like a friend not a father figure….do more holidays, as a family….going to places where they never have. Buy your own plane so that you can travel more.as a family.
    Do it now go enjoy your life with your love one and your boys.
    Best wishes. Oh dye your hair black to look younger..

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