為什麼《1917》不配獲得2020年奧斯卡最佳電影?| 影評



更何況,有《寄生蟲》在,還有什麼電影好意思上台領最佳電影小金人呢? .

  1. I am SOoooooooo not looking forward to Oscar 2020. It is because 1917 is very likely to win best movie and director , which is sooooo undeserved ! Agreed with you – it is empty , no impact , not rewatchable. If it win, it is a slap to movie lovers』 face : it strips away the deserved title from Parasite ; also, it take a title which previous excellent movie (of same genre / story ) eg Saving Private Ryan and dunkirk could not win . Parasite is so good , everytime I watched again , it provides another new level of understanding or new perspective . It is unforgettable , nail-biting suspense /tension, sophisticated , rewatchable with excellent performance , film editing, script , directing and just about everything else !

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