OnePlus 7T Pro 5G邁凱倫vs Galaxy Note 10+ 5G速度測試,揚聲器,電池和相機!

OnePlus 7T Pro 5G邁凱倫版與三星Galaxy Note 10+ 5G速度測試,揚聲器,電池壽命和相機測試!


測試涵蓋啟動,規格,遊戲(Fortnite,PUBG)和應用程序打開,Chrome,Geekbench,指紋掃描儀,多任務處理,前置自拍相機,後置攝像頭(寬,變焦,OIS和ToF 3D),攝像頭速度等等!


  1. It's nice paying$900 for something that's supposed to be an upgrade and only get not even 1 mb download in the house. I have a one plus 6t that just smokes the McLaren in speed.

  2. the OP7 is actually water resistant but they didn't get the IP Rating because it would raise prices and they wanted to keep them as low as possible.

  3. The problem of the speed test is, when the user taps not 100 Prozent similar at the display, it's senseless .

  4. One plus 7t pro McLaren vs Rog phone 2 or Realme X2 pro ?

    Realme x2 pro Tekken 5 Damonps2 60 FPS ?

    : Tech Utopia Damon PS2 Realme x2 pro

  5. Go to dev options turn off animations on the note 10 plus and itll walk that one plus 7t pro… its happened plenty of times.. something is wrong with the 7t pro or was.. the 7 pro was faster then the 7t pro n it beat the note 10 plus but by a very very small margin. The note 10 plus is a stupid fast phone anyways

  6. I have McLaren edition Mann this phone is kickass product also protective case that included in the box is best I have ever seen love my phone keep brightness at 85 and good to go 😉

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