艾迪娜·門澤爾(Idina Menzel)表演《走進未知》 2020年奧斯卡頒獎典禮現場

艾爾莎(Elsa)在美國的聲音(伊迪娜·門澤爾(Idina Menzel))與AURORA和來自世界各國的艾爾莎(Elsa)一起演唱了奧斯卡提名的FROZEN II原創歌曲《 Into The Unkown》。在Oscar.com和ABC應用程序中查看更多的奧斯卡表演和亮點! 。

  1. Unpopular opinion but it』s not a hard song, I can fully sing it in idina』s Octave and go above and beyond her belt with my range and have multiple friends that are also singers capable of doing this song. While I have respect for idina, she severely lacks proper technique and she damaged her voice from broadway

  2. This was so stunning and having the international voices of Elsa was such a amazing surprise. It really elevated the performance, I was so moved!

  3. LOVED the song, performance and how there were the different Elsas from around the world, showing just how far this franchise still can reach. However, Idina』s dress wasn』t right for her AT ALL. The others looked better in their dresses than she did. No idea who picked it.

  4. I think as long as it doesn't hurt our ears it can be at any key b/c this was not at the original key but it sounded incredible, and Ik many want it to be perfect but perfect dosen't really exist only greatness and amazingness??great job to all the Elsas

  5. Leave Idina alone she did incredibly awesome, for everyone saying she did not hit the notes, whether your a singer or not try singing this for idk how many times in front of so many haters and judgmentals see how that feels, she did great, she knows this and nobody can change that SHE'S A GODESS????

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