
眾議員Mike Gallagher提出了對這家中國科技公司構成的安全威脅的擔憂。 #福克斯新聞
FOX News運營FOX新聞頻道(FNC),FOX商業網路(FBN),FOX新聞廣播,FOX新聞頭條24/7,FOXNews.com以及直接面向消費者的流媒體服務FOX Nation。 FOX News還在FOX Broadcasting Company和FOX News Edge上製作FOX News Sunday。 FNC是頂級五電纜網路,已連續17年成為該國最受歡迎的新聞頻道。根據Brand Keys在2018年的Research Intelligencer研究,FOX News排名全國第二最受信任的電視品牌。此外,薩福克大學/今日美國調查顯示福克斯新聞是該國最受信賴的電視新聞或評論來源,而2017蓋洛普/奈特基金會的一項調查發現,在可以說出客觀新聞來源的美國人中,福克斯新聞是引用最多的插座。 FNC在近9000萬個家庭中可用,並在有線新聞領域佔據主導地位,同時例舉該類型的前十名節目。

訂閱福克斯新聞! https://bit.ly/2vBUvAS

Bret Baier的特別報道:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-special-report/
瑪莎·麥卡勒姆(Martha MacCallum)的故事:http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-story-with-martha-maccallum/
英格拉姆角(Ingraham Angle):http://video.foxnews.com/playlist/longform-the-ingraham-angle/


  1. 5G is a weapons system…..frequency weaponry that alters DNA/our energetic/electromagnetic fields. They combine it with the Directed Energy Weaponry (HAARP/DARPA) already in use so they can target the entire planet.
    They will ALWAYS lie about the applications and their true reasons for it's use. They win mass consent with 'faster internet'. All deception to further enslave. If you haven't figured that out by now, then the mind-control is working beautifully.

  2. 3G arrived – the common cold broke out worldwide

    4G arrived – the flu went pandemic worldwide

    5G arrived – coronavirus eliminates half of human race

    6G arrived – robots scouring the Earth to cremate the final remains of the last living mammals

  3. My concern is not Huawei, my concern is other companies that are basically exactly the same just under different names, or companies like Apple and Samsung using compromised hardware and software built in chinese factories. 🙁

  4. If we don't step up our game in the tech sector for the next century we will end up far behind China. However they achieve it they are ahead on the world stage in 5G, subsidies or not. They have the 2nd most powerful economy right now. It is up to us to compete and take this seriously for our very future.

  5. Great claims but where is the proof that China can use this as a tool against us? The UK and others have researched the tech and found it to be safe from Chinese influence.The info returned to Huawei from the system is purely system related and not usage related. Any system needs to do that. If we use a US based system you can bet that the US government will be using it to gather information that you dont want them having and that is what all this is about, they want us to use a system that they can really control for their purposes not yours!

  6. Only WE the People can stop communism out of our lands and business that wrecks our rights.
    Chinese can dominate our freedom with this technology. Scary.

  7. Back in the early nineties a friend with a small construction company, after having dealings with the Chinese, said: " They're all theives. " I now understand what he meant.

  8. Why would anyone trust the ChiCom government or it's proxies? It is their basic goal to take over the world and bring about a global communist revolution. That has never changed.

  9. Hillary is gong to prison!  Pelosi has Alzheimer's and is a traitor to the country.    CNN and MSNBC are corrupt and use yellow journalism and are symbolisms for lies, hate, bigotry, and hypocrisy and the insects that work there are GRIFTERS.

  10. I urge everyone to read Cyrus Parsa's book titled 'A.I., Trump, China and the Weaponization of Robotics with 5G'. Mr. Parsa met with President Trump and they discussed the dangers of what 5G may do and how China will benefit from 5G worldwide. world wide WEB and interNET because it's a TRAP.

  11. I wish you would have taken that stand with CANADA,because our government as a open door policy with China. Canadian Steel Fabricators won a trade ruling against the Chinese and the Canadian Government over ruled the decision, and give the contract to a Chinese company.aka The Chinese Government

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