磁性低音鄧紫棋+神仙高音張靚穎 經典歌曲《雨蝶》的創作全過程 《金曲夢工廠》 20200103/ 浙江衛視官方HD /

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磁性低音鄧紫棋+神仙高音張靚穎 經典歌曲《雨蝶》的創作全過程 《金曲夢工廠》 20200103/ 浙江衛視官方HD /

●夢想的聲音3 整片:http://bit.ly/2AgtiUp
●夢想的聲音3 純享:http://bit.ly/2yMbzCx
●夢想的聲音3 聲音小劇場:http://bit.ly/2CYxzhR
●夢想的聲音3 花絮:http://bit.ly/2ErUR1h
●夢想的聲音3 CLIP:http://bit.ly/2PeIqKr

●夢想的聲音1&2 整片:http://bit.ly/2S10uX2
●夢想的聲音1&2 純享:http://bit.ly/2yZp81u
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●中國新歌聲1 整片:http://bit.ly/29CTb0M
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  1. Hey Jane I love you beautiful picture you look beautiful AKA Spanky love to share the life with you my sweet beautiful darling you better all in when you come over here your homegirl I take both of you out together we going to hang out and cruising in San Gabriel Valley you will love it

  2. Hey Jane I love to see you and your homegirl together sing that song hey when you together you look kind of tall together I love your size you had a beautiful body I love that your lover it's waiting for you doing your part

  3. For real, i really hate fake ppl, they acheive whatevers the goals are, just cuz they have fake body, plastic surgerys and fake faces ?????

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