Outriders-遊戲顯示預告片| PS5,PS4



在PlayStation 5和PlayStation 4上發布2020年假期。

#OUTRIDERS是一個1-3人合作RPG射擊遊戲,設置在原始,黑暗和絕望的科幻宇宙中。當人類在以諾的戰中流血時,您將創建自己的外星人並踏上穿越這顆敵對星球的旅程。故事講述了世界各地,您將離開第一城市的貧民窟和棚戶區,穿越森林,山脈和沙漠,尋求神秘的信號。 Outriders將激烈的槍戰與猛烈的力量以及不斷增加的扭曲武器和裝備組合結合在一起,提供了業內最出色的射擊遊戲開發商之一《 People Can Fly》無數小時的遊戲時間。

可能包含不適合兒童的內容。訪問http://www.esrb.org以獲取評分信息。 。

  1. Title: Gameplay trailer
    Trailer: Mixture of Gameplay, Cinematics and Engine capture
    Actual meaning: 10 seconds of ACTUAL gameplay edited over 2 minutes of cinematics

  2. I think we』re all getting a bit carried away, it looks ok sure but groundbreaking absolutely not, also it』s pc footage of a latest build because they couldn』t use ps5 footage until Sony show it off officially so perhaps it still has time for improvement before then. Don』t get me wrong I nearly got into the hype bubble myself as next gen or next gen like footage is so scarce. It』s always nice to see something but yeah it didn』t blow my socks off or make my jaw drop but it did make me smile ? hurry up October!

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