
觀看製片人Kwak Sin Ae和Bong Joon Ho和演員在2020年奧斯卡頒獎典禮上接受奧斯卡最佳圖片獎。在Oscar.com和ABC應用中查看更多奧斯卡獲獎感言和要點! 。

  1. Liberals are a mental disorder 30 million less viewers than last year they just dont get it we see they are China suck asses and the movies suck pure Garbage

  2. Bong Joon Ho is known in South Korea as an anti-america director. He is a pro-communist. South Korean government has put him under the governments blacklist because of his communist mindset. I don't understand how he won so many awards in America

  3. History made. This made me cry. This is a victory for all Asian actors, writers, producers, and all other personnel around the world.

  4. There were some great movies out there but Parasite was the one leaves the biggest impression. It just haunts you the next day after watching it and that's something you can't forget about. That puts it at another level. Not surprised everyone loved it.

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