甚至在8.3版中出現了更多的腐敗迷和神經病! -魔獸世界:艾澤拉斯之戰8.3


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Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvE BFA指南:

Outlaw Rogue 8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:

暗殺流氓8.0.1 PvP BFA指南:


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  1. So stupid to release corruption, give us time to farm out the good ones, then nerf the shit out of them and buff the ones we used mementos to cleanse.. Are they trying to piss people off?

  2. So just because people are lazy and dont have propper UI's where you have to blacklist a debuff to not see it, they nerfed the ability to dispell them? This is getting so stupid

  3. Lol as hunter from my chest, i just got legs with vers/mastery (Worst stats) and the newly nerfed rank 1 of echoing void which is pretty much a melee corruption that favors fast attack speed, lol literally fuck this piece of shit game, can't believe this replaced titan forging

  4. Healers don't dispell my grasping tendrils anyway. They should but they're all bad. I'm not sure I like this change though. In PVP for example as a Disc Priest that's one of the only healers that won't be able to run faster with this buff. Shamans have ghost wolf which it doesn't effect. Paladins have freedom. Druids can shift it. Monks can teleport and roll do it's not a big deal. Another stealth disc nerf..

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