
當我們中的許多人都在等待聽到更多有關PS5的好消息或更多官方消息時,我們必須採取目前所能獲得的東西。我們現在得到的是索尼最近提交的一項新專利,這引起了人們對於他們計劃如何使用PlayStation 5處理進入下一代的微交易的擔憂。似乎與Dualshock 5和Dualshock 5將會進行某種類型的語音通信。 PlayStation用戶界面/指南。希望這不是索尼將開始在其獨家遊戲中添加更多微交易的信號。憑藉PS4獨家產品,PlayStation一代在這一代產品中的表現非常出色,這並不會使它們過分用力,並且在大多數情況下甚至不包括它們。希望在PS5獨家遊戲中仍然如此。



  1. Twitter: https://twitter.com/xMBGx

    Be sure to leave the video a like if you found it informative or if you are not a fan of microtransactions.

    Obviously this isn't the information we are all hoping to hear about or discover but it is important that we continue to cover all aspects of PlayStation and the PS5. Hopefully this isn't a sign that Sony wants to try and push microtransactions harder going into next generation but looking at this image, it's hard not to take it that way. If this is in fact something Sony is planning to do they will have to be very careful how they implement it and we will have to let our voices be heard if it comes to that. What are your thought on this?

  2. You're being proud for Sony so far will be challenged very soon. Don't be naive. If this will come truth it will be the darkest moment in gaming history :_( So the best time to raise our voices against that is RIGHT NOW!
    U supposed to fight the sith not to join them Sony.

  3. i think, if we want a good price for ps5, we need to accept sony will want to make some extra bucks fron some players who are willing to skip the hard parts. they do some money on the side and we are all happy getting the new console on affordable price.

  4. I only want to pay for games that's it. I buy game, I play it, if the game wants me to spend extra money for levels or features I take game back to store and get refund that simple.

  5. I doubt it but even if.. There is a right way and wrong way to everything.
    I personally am against micro-transactions though especially in console gaming.

  6. Bro, I love sony, I've been supporting them from day 1 but I swear to God, if I'm immersed in GOW2 and a popup window comes up trying to sell me something I am tossing my fucking console out the window.

  7. If it is true, then no ps5 for me. Only IF they make exclusives with no microtransactions and enough of them to justify the purchase I will buy it.

  8. This fool runs a YouTube channel where he just reads out stuff we can all find on the web for ourselves.
    What』s next, is he going to start selling bags of air?

  9. Dear god had this been news for xbox u would have flipped your shit. But u being a sissy fan boi, u did well smoothing it out. Lame ass channel.

  10. Too many ads = No like
    One ad at start and one at the end = Like

    It』s kinda annoying seeing a depression or erectile dysfunction drug ad in the middle of the video. Specially some of your past video do have like 5 ads for a 10 minute video.

  11. sony is just opening up the option to developers if they want to implement something like this. the platform doesn't "push" microtransactions. sony is just making their platform more attractive to developers

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