PS5和Xbox Series X不能實現真實的照片寫實感-這就是為什麼

一個月前,索尼和微軟都公布了各自第九代平台的首個遊戲畫面。 Playstation 5上的Godfall和Xbox Series X上的Hellblade 2:Senua的Saga都展示了視覺效果和細節水平,這在當前的硬體上根本不可能實現。但是,兩種演示方法的一個關鍵要點是:我們離遊戲中真實的逼真度還有一段距離。視覺效果每年都在變得複雜。與第7代同類遊戲機相比,第9代及其主要CPU和GPU升級產品將在視覺保真度方面實現更大的飛躍。但是,逼真度仍然存在數年,而且距控制台一代已經過去了。




  1. Death Stranding pretty much did it with the environments. On the base ps4s weak specs. By the end of the next generation at least ONE game will have achieved it or gotten extremely close.

  2. Good! I want to play games where I cut people』s limbs off with swords (a la Witcher), and shoot people in the head. I don』t want this to appear photorealistic.

  3. The big question is do gamers really want games to look photo realistic. Superficially, graphically sophisticated games grabs ones attention at first, but if the game is not truly fun? It is dropped. Gamers like myself like to see effects like gas escaping a tire when it is shot, but the tire does not have to look real. What makes a game is its design, graphics these days are important, but still not critical. Actually most of the current most photo realistic games are often boring.

  4. I disagree with most of this vid they can do photo realistic and with current Gen it's just not what devs want to go for. Kojima is the first for a long time that has wanted to go this route and just look at the results, it went out of fashion just like ray tracing did back in the ps2 days. Next gen is way more powerful than current and I believe will be well able.

  5. Gran Turismo is the only photorealistic game that comes to my mind. Playing on a cloudy day, to noon high sun in Willow springs, or even at night in tokyo rain and all combined, it looks really good.

  6. The SSD makes photorealism realizable. That alleviates the CPU for more complex behavior. Hellblade is not a simulation. It is motion capture. Otherwise why would that savage have perfect teeth.

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