

在一次問答投資者會議上,任天堂總裁古河順太郎表示,他不認為下一代遊戲機(如PlayStation 5和Xbox Series X)會成為Nintendo Switch的競爭對手。你同意嗎?訂閱ReviewTechUSA!

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  1. What exectly could Nintendo do if they wanted to compete with PS5/Xbox Series X? There is no way to make a handheld system that could be even close to PS5/Xbox Series X in power – especially not one that wouldn't cost arm and a leg.

  2. Everyone has their own opinion, but I dont see how you can call the Nintendo Switch the best console of all time in less than 3 years time…The ports are all old, and I wouldnt call this Nintendos best 1st party output within a generation

  3. Thinking of studios like Panic Button, Indie games, and games that are developed with the Switch in mind. The Switch』s success and game support isn』t all about power, and developers will do whatever they can to downscale a game RIGHT, or not set their ambitions too high with the use of the hardware.

  4. Instead of a Switch Pro, I think Nintendo should just wait a couple years until mobile chip technology has advanced enough to release a hybrid console powerful enough to do downgraded ports of PS5 and Xbox games. At that point the switch will have been out for 5 years and had a decent lifecycle.

  5. I know what the Xbox series s they're going to try to have the first couple of years of games be able to play all the way back on the VCR Xbox one. So Nintendo don't worry

  6. I've been saying this for years, Nintendo always learns the wrong lessons from failures & successes, just as they have a difficult time carrying over momentum between generations.

    They are consistently inconsistent in doing what's best for the company, and when everything is aligning for them to do something smart, they swerve & go a completely different route, often just for the sake of being different.

  7. The current switch is great but I reckon 5 years max before upgrading or bringing out a New Nintendo Switch/Switch Pro.

    But for a true successor I want a dual screen switch.

  8. All this romanticism about gamecube lately is pretty funny, it had crap ports the frame rate and video rez was lower than x box and ps2. The first party games were great but its a nintendo system so duh, and their is shovelware for switch just look at alot of the eshop sale section

  9. It would be dumb to release a next gen Switch in 2020 when the switch is only 2 years old. It would screw over the 50+mil player base that has a Switch. Usually each console generation is 7-8 years apart.

  10. It's simple, you're not the target audience. Nintendo does stuff for Nintendo and not for you.. They're successful and compared to you? I'm saying Nintendo is doing well.

  11. Hey Rich!
    I got a question for you then. I am a playstation gamer, I have owned ALL the consoles playstation has ever made. But just like you side I am a big man now, there is very little time left to do gaming, so the Switch sounds like a solution.

    I will buy the PS5 for sure, saying that… is it worth it to buy a switch now? Specially because of its portability.. or should I wait for something new for nintendo….?

    Thanks man…

  12. This is a good 50% of what makes Nintendo consoles worthy of purchasing. I'm glad I get to play games like Terraria and Saints Row on my switch without having to worry about too many bad games being on the switch.

    While the Wii was able to get plenty of third party companies to make games for their console, they were also unfortunately the kingpin of shovelware, meaning the majority of Wii games were a cash grab depending on the gimmick of motion controls, which everyone loved to hate.

    The Wii U, I would say, got that treatment even worse within the advertising of the console itself and how hard it was for third parties to make games for the console. Hence, the Wii U too got shovelware, just not as bad.

  13. I traded in my Switch. Damn them! Every gen with Nintendo there's always hope that they would do nintendo fans right. And before you know it they let you down. The snes is still the best nintendo console with incredible third party games.

  14. Switch and third Party Support , dont make me laugh. For every big third party Game that releases on switch, there are 9 that are Not coming. Look at 2019…kh3, remake2, ace Combat, Soul calibur, Dead or Alive, sekiro, dmc5, call of Duty, and thats just on Top of my Head. Everytime the „Games like Mortal kombat or Dragon quest 11 on Switch「 blablabla, when These are literally the only noteworthy Ports on the System , the Rest is Not even on there

  15. The switch isn』t supposed to be a playstation or an xbox, if you want a power console there』s already 2 of those we don』t need a third. Also a switch pro wouldn』t make alot of sense since nobody would develop a game or a port solely to work on the pro, it would still be made to fit the baseline switch specs.

  16. Going to respectfully disagree with your opinion. If you view the Switch as if it is a PlayStation or an Xbox, then yeah, you're completely right. The thing is though, the Switch isn't that. It's a huge reason why Microsoft and Nintendo don't consider each other as competitors, because they're simply not. If anything, the Switch's main competitor is Apple and Google. What makes the Switch a standout "console" is that it isn't a "console". It's a powerful portable device that has video out basically. Think the PSP, but does pretty much everything right. It is absolutely, perfectly fine that it can run a lot of current gen games, but I view that as a bonus than it is as a main draw. From my own experiences and anecdotally, most people I know don't get top tier games like Witcher 3 on the Switch. They get that on more powerful systems. What typically draws them are the random games that don't need the new shinies. They like random things like the Grandia Collection or Octopath Traveler or Indie games that simply fit the console more than a Destiny 2, as cool as it would be to play Destiny 2 on it. So no, you wouldn't need something insane like AI and stuff like that. The Switch is really more of the next iteration of a DS than it is the next iteration of the Wii U and that's kind of telling if you ask me. I think in a lot of ways, people are tired of the AAA nonsense with microtransactions. Sometimes, you just want to play a game and that's all you're looking for. To have fun. I'm not looking to get on a game and get bombarded by loot boxes and adverts the entire time. I just want to pop on Zelda or Dead Cells and just … you know, play a game as if it was 1999.

  17. I absolutely bought a switxh because I could play all those third party indie titles and in some cases triple A titles on the Switch. I like nintendo games, but if they mainly focus on Nintendo IPs for the Switch, I probably won』t be a loyal supporter or even buy the next iteration. I really hope they continue to support the third party titles.

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