2020 iPhone 12 Pro Plus泄漏! 5G重大陣容變化

iPhone 12 Pro Plus和iPhone 12 Pro Max!所有新的2020 iPhone陣容細節都泄漏。新的相機+電池技術,價格詳細信息以及更多Apple News!

5個AirPods Pro贈品!

最後一部iPhone 12泄漏。


#iPhone12#2020iPhone#5G iPhone。

  1. iPhone 13 Pro Max (If its called that in 2021) and the new iPad Pro (If the release a new one in 2021) Will be the final apple products I ever purchase for a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG TIME!!!!!! I'm thinking 10 years long.

    I'm currently running well with my iPhone 7 Plus and my iPad 4th Generation with all my adapters, Logitech K480, Apple Magic Trackpad 2, and external SSD. But I would love to upgrade the hardware at least one more time especially with how powerful the hardware for tablets and smartphones are today.

  2. I was fine when they removed the headphone port, I』ll revolt though if the charge port gets taken away. Unless they figure out a way to make wireless charging 10x faster. I don』t want to have to have my phone laying down while I』m trying to use it and charge it.

  3. Great Vid. Can』t wait for the 12. I haven』t been interested in a new iPhone since the iPhone X was released. Can you tell us if Apple is considering changing the interface at all? It』s getting a bit boring lol… also please put me in the drawing for those AirPods ?

  4. No pls pro should be smaller for small handed people..everyone not enjoy to use big phn..pls dont stop making small phn..i think u should decrease size more like 5.4/5 and u guys making it big no pls….those who like big they will buy max pro bt pls pro should be small pls apple #apple

  5. I think the iPhone 12 Max or Pro or Pro Max or 12S (or whatever they may called it) would have quad-cam. Still maintain the three camera and a small camera hole just under the flashlight. Maybe they'll have 6gb RAM and much longer battery.

  6. I wish apple include iPhone 12 max rose gold color which i love so much i think there are a lot people like rose gold color same as me

  7. I was thinking about getting the iphone 11 but now i wanna wait for the 12 ? but idk when its coming out. Does Anybody know ? idk if i wanna get the galaxy 20 i really just wanna FaceTime dont really care about anything else.

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