
第92屆奧斯卡頒獎典禮都是關於歷史性時刻並解決了最近的爭議。韓國驚悚片「 Parasite」使領跑者「 1917」失望,成為首部獲得奧斯卡最佳影片獎的非英語電影。在所有四位演技領先者都按預期贏得了雕像之後,這是一個令人驚訝的結局。 「今晚娛樂」節目主持人凱文·弗雷澤(Kevin Frazier)報告說,當晚的活動也被政治打斷了。

在此處觀看「 CBS今天上午」:http://bit.ly/1T88yAR
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每個工作日上午,「 CBS今晨」聯合主持人蓋爾·金,安東尼·梅森和托尼·多庫皮爾提供兩個小時的原創報道,突發新聞和頂級新聞製作人採訪,形式新穎,內容豐富,對網路早間新聞節目的規範提出了挑戰。 。該廣播獲得了聲望很高的皮博迪獎,波爾克獎,四個新聞與紀錄片艾美獎,三個白天艾美獎以及2017年愛德華·R·默羅最佳新聞廣播獎。該廣播還獲得了Alfred I.DuPont-Columbia獎,這是CBS新聞部門在康涅狄格州紐敦的Sandy Hook小學拍攝的槍擊事件的一部分。在本地列表中查看「 CBS今天上午」的廣播時間。 。

  1. She is a reporter but can't read ? Tf? Bruh why the people in TV seems like they falsified their curriculum and titles ? When it will be the day that they put people on TV that actually aren't dumb.

  2. typical smug americans, they dont like watching movies with subtitles while the rest of the world have to read subtitles to understand your movies.

  3. are you guys..illiterate or something? To be so excited at the prospect of getting the same story but Americanized and without subs is so weird.

  4. The series being in English isn't even completely set in stone yet. Also what the heck is "upset win"? There are some films in America that were released that are basically the English version of original Korean movies. However, the original ends being so much better than what's released in English. Sometimes the English version either butchers the way it was originally or some that were missing some that were in the original. So yeah get used to subtitles, because they will open your eyes to great movies (not only Korean ones).

  5. "where you don't have to read subtitles" wtf this is so insulting. Making an Americanized version of the film contradicts to what said about 'diversity' and 'inclusivity.' Respect the damn film at it is and stop making everything so Western. Parasite bagging best picture is a stepping point for other international films to be acknowledged and to finally see other movie productions from different parts of the world. Ya'll are threatened when – for once – a good nternational films gets so much recognition and ya'll feel inferior because you need subtitles to understand the whole movie like??

  6. Eww. Whyyyy Americanize it??? Pleeeease don't!!! Look what happens when you bastardize authentic cuisines from its respective native countries. Look what Americans did to Italian, Mexican, and Chinese cuisines…. You cheapen it.

  7. This is not a jab at the winners. I am just curious…. WHO are the voters of the Academy, exactly???? WHO votes for or selects THOSE ACADEMY VOTERS that choose these Oscar winners???

  8. "Once you overcome the one-inch tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films." — Bong Joon-ho
    I'm glad I don't mind that one-inch barrier because I have watched many beautiful movies around the world.

  9. The end of the movie didnt make any sense.

    The police would find the body of the housekeeper, and if he waited so long so the police leave the house, the body would decompose and the smell would catch the police atention.

  10. How can a movie that celebrate a lazy father which lead his family to make a fraud and eventually became a serial killer is given the honor of an oscar?

    Only because of "wokeness"

  11. " 나는 우리나라가 세상에서 가장 아름다운 나라가 되기를 원한다.

    내가 남의 침략에 마음이 아팠으니 내 나라가 남을 침략하는 것을 원치 아니한다.

    우리의 부력은 우리의 생활을 풍족히 할 만하고, 우리의 강력은 남의 침략을 막을 만하면 족하다. 오직 한없이 가지고 싶은 것은 높은 문화의 힘이다. 문화의 힘은 우리 자신을 행복하게 하고, 나아가서 남에게 행복을 주겠기 때문이다.

    [출처] 백범 김구 '나의 소원'|작성자 PK 2019

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