PS5官方填充,巨大的黑色OPS 5泄漏,Xbox菜單泄漏的視頻*,COD MW更新

PS5官方填充,巨大的黑色OPS 5泄漏,Xbox菜單泄漏的視頻*,COD MW更新。



6:39-COD 2021 SHG
7:58-COD MW更新1.14
10:42-Xbox Series X泄漏的視頻(很可能是假的)

因此,索尼獲得了PlayStation 5的一項新專利,該專利使遊戲擔心微交易。這是PS5的官方專利,建議您購買微交易時會在遊戲中提供幫助。

我們也有新的《黑色行動5》泄漏。 BO5是Treyarch,Rave和Sledgehammer Games作品中的今年「使命召喚2020」稱號。預計在四月或五月的《黑色行動5》遊戲預告片。

我們對儀錶板的COD MW,COD 2021泄漏和Xbox Series X泄漏的視頻進行了新更新。

#PS5#BlackOps5#BO5#PlayStation5 #CallofDuty


PS5官方頁面和MW Battle Royale第2季教學

《俠盜獵車手6》新聞和微軟回應索尼(PS5 vs Xbox)


PlayStation 5和Cyber​​punk 2077延遲




GTA 6遊戲詳情

GTA 6預告片即將推出




在SKizzleAXE上點贊並訂閱更多遊戲視頻。 。

  1. Skizzle! I got love for you man. Check your insta once in awhile! As long as we get a new campaign every year I'll always be buying COD. The most expensive edition as well. Zombies are always a plus. I still have faith in Treyarch if they are at the helm despite them pulling the campaign and then lying to their fans about it for BO4..Excited to see what comes next! Should be fun. COD is simple, it's linear & most importantly it's effective. That's why it's been so successful. And will continue to be. Lots of ppl just don't want to speak about it. Or they will speak against it. But they still buy it. Ppl say $60 is a lot of money for a 5-7hr campaign. $60 is nothing in today's world. Personally, I have a lot of businesses, I like to work & I love to make money. I don't have time for an annoying open world with side quests that make no sense. Unless it's Spider-Man but even those side quests got repetitive.

  2. I just want the singleplayer campaign to be good and longer than MW2019, that's all I want, I don't care for neither multiplayer nor zombie, I just want my campaign! It's been 8 years since treyarch's last one!

  3. What is the PS5 Officially filling? A cup? A bowl? I want to know how they』re going to make a liquid PS5 to fill things with it!!!! Tell me what it』s FILLING!!!!

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