便宜的Switch eShop Games值得玩!

Switch eShop上有很多很棒的Switch遊戲在出售,但有時候很難找到優質的預算遊戲。今天,我們來看看一些價格低於或等於5美元的Nintendo Switch新遊戲,這些遊戲在2020年將為您帶來豐厚的收益!

推特:@ rgt_85

#Switch #SwitchEshop #NintendoSwitch。

  1. I bought Evoland collection for like $1.75 and it has been great, even though it was originally a cellphone game, and this one includes the two games

  2. I don't remember what it cost (but it was cheap) I recently played the Sega ages Phantasy Star rerelease on Switch. It comes with some quality of life improvements like automapping dungeons. I had not played it in a really long time and thought this version was great. If you are in the mood for some really old school goodness, you could do far worse. I wish Phantasy Star had taken off in the west.

  3. Some games under $5 I recommend
    Gyro boss
    Flood of light
    One strike
    I know i have a few more but I grab so many games on sale I can't remember the original price

  4. I understand why asphalt 9 and kirby clash made the list, but I tend to put "cheap" and "free" games in different categories. With a "cheap" game, you get a full, complete experience usually, even if it is short. With a "free" game, you get more of an endless experience which encourages you to keep playing, so it leads to a different experience than a short "cheap" game. That's just me though, good video nonetheless.

  5. Finally. Someone who looks for cheap, overlooked games on Switch. Most YT channels suggests the same games over and over again.

  6. I really understand the need for short and cheap little games.Lets say you only have time half an hour or less.Would you fire up an JRPG like Dragon Quest XI or rather play an Indie Game like Downhill racing or likewise?

  7. RECOMMEND…GLASS MASQUERADE…currently on sale for about £3…really fun relaxing puzzle game with a lovely soundtrack and art style…the sequel is released later this week?

  8. Recommend SHIPPED a really cool multiplayer arcade game for 1 to 8 players where you have to win 8 rounds in a row (easier said than done) once you get used to the controls the game is really fun and addictive…bought this game on a recommendation from Get indie gaming…there』s 5 different game modes including race ,cruise and Sumo and you can select your own levels for battles…the game costs £5.34 but well worth the money?

  9. As frustrating as it can be when you endlessly repeat and misuse words when you do your narration extemporaneously, I think this is actually worse. You』re so flat when you read a script

  10. You would pay $20 for Asphalt Legends?
    I'd rather wipe my bottom with $20, Cant trust this guy anymore…..
    Catch you on the next oneeee………… Laterrrrrrrrrrrr ??

  11. Great video man! You cant blame Nintendo for the disconnects though. Unfortunately games don't often use dedicated servers to host game lobbies resulting in a player who (often unbeknownst) acting as host either traveling out of WiFi range or accessing a public WiFi network that has an enormous amount of traffic causing disconnects, etc.

  12. I love you so much homeslice!!!! Here』s a kiss goodnight for my homie. Remember I』ll always be watching you andnif you don』t upload a video or stream I』ll be heading to your house to watch you from the windows.

  13. I am a huge huge fan of Asphalt 9. I loved playing it. I had so much fun. But my switch started glitching like crazy ever since I Download it that game. Even when I wasn't playing the game to switch still acted up once I deleted the game My switch was working perfectly fine.

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