索尼,可能將此可怕功能放到PlayStation 5中(涉及微交易)

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索尼已經發布了一項專利,該專利說他們的遊戲機可以允許玩家要求策略或物品來幫助完成遊戲的一部分。除非開發人員可以利用它,否則這實際上可能是一個好主意。我們希望這不會在PlayStation 5(PS5)上實現。訂閱ReviewTechUSA!










凱文·麥克勞德(Kevin MacLeod)的「 Electro Cabello」(https://incompetech.com)
許可證:CC BY(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

#PlayStation5#PS5 #Microtransactions。

  1. This absolutely sucks, but we need to think about another issue. Game companies keep evolving and both hardware and software is getting more hard and expensive to produce, they're basically UNDERcharging for their products. Even a phone that breaks both sides in a single drop (iPhone) cost double of a PlayStation, even gaming PC (a good one) cost also almost double, we need to be more conscious and wise and not buy their cashgrabs so they can understand their problems and aim them into the correct products

  2. I think Sony is in trouble ps4 is the only thing keeping them in business and know the Xbox is killing them with the most powerful console in the market and the new Xbox x series will be 50% more powerful than the Sony ps5 just looks how much Xbox sales have jumped in the last 6 month just something to think about from some one how has both

  3. Rich it's far more insidious. The presence of micro transactions in some games has deliberately altered both game progression and difficulty curb, the mobile market is a mess for it but even in AAA areas too. What if this is just something for more companies to buy in to and then deliberately screw with the player in order to "encourage" them to buy cheats or dlc to get past something? This reminds me too much of mobile game shenanigans for my liking.

  4. If this will come truth it will be the darkest moment in gaming history :_(

    U supposed to fight the sith not to join them Sony.

  5. A couple weeks ago I theorized that based on the patterns of both Sony and Microsoft, that this next generation is Sony's turn to get a big head and screw up with the PS5. I hope this isn't the first warning sign of me being right.

  6. So…..he is suggesting since we already own one privacy invading device, having more is not more privacy invading? That's like asking a judge to increase your traffic fine because, who cares, you are already going to have to one anyways.

  7. Honestly this isn』t a bad thing. I go to YouTube to findout how to beat parts I』m stuck on. If this is just then taking that out of the mix and they produce content that shows me what to do I』m cool with it.

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