
華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)昨晚因在小丑中的角色而獲得了奧斯卡最佳男主角獎。在社會問題和動物權利問題上討論了一些之後,鳳凰城呼籲結束好萊塢的「取消文化」。 5 … 4 … 3 … 2 …中的間隙

在此處觀看Joaquin Phoenix的接受演講-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87zXvSCmSYk





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#小丑#JoaquinPhoenix#Oscars2020 #DCComics #DCEU#電影。

  1. Instead of cancel culture, let's start Uproot Culture. Let's find small YouTubers and Instagramers we see have potential, and put them on blast, uproot them, shine a spotlight on them

  2. It isn't: "Dis-in-GENUINE"

    It is not a word that's automatically intuitive in it's pronunciation I will admit…
    Sorry, but that one was driving me crazy man… LoL.

  3. I don't get why the media says Phoenix "rambled". His speech made a point in a straightforward way. I think they're just uncomfortable with the message, which is why they also called him a disgrace. Doesn't matter, he deserved the Oscar and got his message across effectively. Win and win.

  4. He』s really shy. I remember him being on Oprah years ago to promote a movie, and his costar had to go backstage to get him to walk out on the stage. He likes acting but he hates media.

  5. I didn't expect him to be allowed to walk on stage with all the woke subhumans in that room, the fact he got any awards at all is truly astonishing. Good on him trying to call out the trash that tried to ruin him, and good on him for winning.

  6. I didn』t think it was weird. He was nervous, like always, but what he said makes sense. Animals think, feel pain, and want to live, just like every living thing.

    Overall, I thought it was heartfelt and great.

  7. I honestly can't recap any of the score for Joker. Only that there were songs from the 50s-80s there. That's NOT something that should ever get a movie a best music award..

  8. So he's one of them without a clue Vegganists on the one hoof, yet also sees that Cancer Culture needs Canceled….. yup Such we are to understand someone can have Right views even as they hold wrong / left beliefs.,
    That's what we call a core Libertarian rather than Liberalist point of view. ^_>

    (that someone can be wrong about something while being right about something else, and we can in turn hold each in turn in kind vs just looking to cancel someone outright.)

  9. I wouldn』t say talking about cow insemination as 「woke」, I just don』t think when you receive a trophy or anything like that is appropriate for you to talk about these things. They have meetings for these things, so it there not here at an Oscars.

  10. I think he was being genuine, he was just trying to put a point across yeh maybe he rambled abit but the trouble is theres too much political correctness today, and a shit-load of hypocrisy especially in Hollywood. I mean e.g. look at how everyone laughed their fuckin heads off when Ricky Gervais ripped into Dame Judy Dench, but when he also ripped into the whole thing of Epstein they all GASPED!!
    Fuckin hypos.

  11. I do not want to hear about joker any more, I thought it was an ok movie only notable for being better than the lack lustre competition.
    It leaves a bitter taste as Joaquim is such an arsehole
    I refer to his puke invoking virtue signalling acceptance speech!
    For starts what was he on?
    What was floating through his veins, I guess the Phoenix family never learn!!
    If this virtue signalling guy turns up in any more films then I will not be inclined to watch it, in fact he makes me want to puke
    Ricky Gervais nailed it when he said that when these privileged, virtue signalling actors stand up and pontificate to working class people it normally has the opposite effect.
    But they will never learn!
    Such arrogance

  12. so that acceptance speech was not all over the place. the through theme was compassion; a compassion that can tolerate differences and foster greater kindness in the world. If we choose to be compassionate we can hear voices and perspectives that differ from our own, and perhaps that would do us good… i love you clown, generally you have great takes. but his message was not all over the place. just a call for general compassion. and maybe a plea against apathy

  13. Hmmm….it seems that most people simply didn』t understand what he was saying and their response to it sort of confirms what he said about humans basically being massive jerks to each other and the planet.

    I like this channel but Joaquin was not talking about cow』s milk. It was an example of the horrible things we do to animals just so we can make more money faster. I』m not vegan but I』m also not naive to the practice of factory farming animals.

  14. I didn't think that the whole animal cruelty and artificial insemination bit in his speech was weird at all, he might have worded it a bit differently but it is the truth and I felt it in his every word and that's a hell of a lot more than I can say about any of the other so called activists.

  15. Isn』t it ironic that one of the most genuine and believable people in hollywood is the guy that acts as the Joker, one of the most famous villains in entertainment history?

  16. Truth is so weird its terrible.. Try drinking human mothers milk.. Oops thats much more disgusting than drinking an animals milk.. riiight.. When has truth and science been so persecuted? Well throughout human history there is crazy evidence.. Keep drinkin that cows milk people thats not weird at all.. Breast feeding your children is weird hash tag #bestiality

  17. All Joaquin Phoenix did was put forward the argument that Friedrich Nietzsche did in his book Beyond Good and Evil about resisting the temptation of becoming the Moral Saint and judging everyone by your own moral standards, becoming a monster, and more evil that the crimes you accuse others of committing.

  18. And the only people who are going to complain about ending cancel culture are the people who use cancel culture to get their "woke points" and feed their egos.

  19. I think his speech was beautiful. He is so sincere how can anyone dislike him? I will not be a vegan anytime soon but am working on eating meat a lot less. I think more people should be like him.

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