該帖子測試了Google Stadia。輸入滯後是可怕的。


Google Stadia是下一代遊戲的絕佳概念,但其輸入滯後(可變)使它幾乎無法玩。 Launcher在1 GB的Internet連接上測試了Stadia。在YouTube上訂閱《華盛頓郵報》:https://wapo.st/2QOdcqK


  1. The glasses guy is too dumb … How are you going to play with the "proxies" and the limitations of the company … An Asian breaks the rule that all Asians are smart.

  2. What makes no sense to me is how low the input lag is on the phone compared to the PC when the phone is even using wifi instead of a lan cable

  3. Actually, it mostly depends on your wifi where is the nearest Google HQ to you. But of course, the input lag will ALWAYS be there as Google Stadia is a cloud based "console" that streams games from Google's servers to your monitor, it has pros, but also cons.

  4. Gaming iz Made for Hardware Output and Constand perfect input and Resolutions, Stream iz worste choice for Gaming, it can be nice for on Demand Video Movie Stream but not for Games like Beat em up and Shooter where you need the best input .

  5. Greetings from Finland! 🙂

    In my opinion, the Stadia service developed by Google is a very potential game service. You do not need to invest a lot of money on your game computer to get the best picture quality. I see the Google service Stadia very many good things and I'm sure Google will do its utmost in order to satisfy completely all the requirements of the world players! 🙂

    For example, I do not currently have a good graphics card in my computer and it is not possible to get one right now because it is very expensive. I'm going to buy Google Stadia cloud gaming service for myself in January 2020 when I first get paid in my bank account. I will then play Doom 2016 and in the future Doom Eternal as soon as it is released in March.

    I am sure that this Stadia service will be in the future a very versatile and wide range of services that will satisfy every player's requirements! 🙂

  6. Some gamers are concerned about the input lag of their mouse and their monitor…. we are talking about, idk, a millisecond or so…
    Man! What a great idea to send the input over the internet to a massive data center, let it process there and then send the image back… great idea!
    And they told us that they would predict the input!?!? SERIOUSLY? You can predict when I decide to press a button? Of course, of course…

  7. suggest installing an application that has latency and ping. It is no use having a bandwidth of 100 MB / s if the ping is longer than 300 ms. In a good Internet, ping is around 130 ms. Telecommunications companies are responsible for delivering good latency. and YouTube also works at bad latency. Internet pages are also not suitable parameters to measure the quality of the Internet.

  8. your usb port may be overloading the cpu, try to disconnect as much as you can, leave only the ones you really use, remove them to printers, pendrives…this can stabilize the input lag…

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