華金·菲尼克斯(Joaquin Phoenix)發表情感最佳男主角演講| 2020年奧斯卡




  1. No matter what the Academy said / decided but the fact is no one has ever or i think will touch the performance as "Joker" delivered by Heath Ledger.. I don't know how many movies I have watched (highly rated in acting) probably 1000+ but have never seen such a performance as he did in The Dark Knight. A true masterclass.. pinnacle of acting.

  2. Funny how they didn't include the most important part of his speech here where he exposed the cruel dairy industry. Go VEGAN like Joaquin, he's been doing it since he was a child and it's the most compassionate way to live.

  3. Seeing Keanu Reeves watching Joaquin Phoenix win makes me emotional. He was bestfriends with River Phoenix and it probably brought back all the memories and sadness.

    PS: I'm still waiting for Keanu Reeves to win his own Oscars. ?

  4. I have only seen trailer clips but this seems like an award for past snubs or near wins. Film (and most certainly art) should not have an agenda even if it something as encompassing as a plea for Justice. Art is meant say things in a way which cannot be articulated by other means and to distill some authentic understanding or reflection through form.

  5. Everyone is like 「greatest speech of all time」 but how many of you take actions after hearing this? It』s easy to say 「man he did so good」 and to continue doing the same shit we always do. We could all use this message to take actions. Actions that matter. Not only because we can but because we have to. The planet needs us and we need each other ? let』s grow and get stronger together !??

    If anyone reads this feel free to comment what you want to change and maybe we can help each other ?

    Hugs and love for everyone!

  6. Loved this speech ! We need to stop being so judgmental and accept each other ! Like how I love poop sex and scat play ! i love when a man or woman defecates on my erect penis then we use the poop as lube for anal sex then after I ejaculate I say 「LET ME SEE DAT CHOCOLATE MILK」 and then the partner farts out the poop mixed with my semen which comes out in a milky mixture looking like a glass of chocolate milk ! The point is people we need to stop saying what』s right or wrong and just be accepting !!!

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