
導演馮俊浩(Bong Joon Ho)的韓國電影《寄生蟲》(Parasite)成為第一部獲得該學院最佳影片獎的非英語電影,從而創造了歷史。剪輯禮貌A.M.P.A.S. ©2020





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  1. All the previous awards, "the guy" couldn't go on the stage because of spoiler potential but this "guy" finally went up for this grand prize and you could see his emotions and relief by his face expression. Whoever watched the film knows "who" I'm talking about 😉

  2. And the world of humanity just got closer. Global Inclusiveness and acknowledgement of real talent and brilliance in filmmaking. Well done Hollywood

  3. I hated the moment the microphone was pulled back into the ground! Many thanks to all the great people in the room for their great reaction!

  4. Parasites is a very good movie. With all due respect to Bong Joon Ho and Korean cinema. But today, the peak of cinematography is still represented by 1917. An unforgettable creation by Mr Deakins and Mr Mendes, perhaps one of the best movie of all time.

  5. Why parasite won because that's the reality in Ife for the 3 plus billions human beings. If your poor you want to be a millionaire. If your a millionaire you want be a billionaire.

  6. I just saw Parasite to see the hype. It's creepily imaginative but boring and nothing note worthy. No idea why it won. Oscars are useless awards.

  7. we korean belongs to anothe planet from differen human being, who is white skin and dont have the flat Face contrary to other Asian. we korean have the like snow white skin

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