泰蘭德想要希爾瓦娜斯鮮血場景 [8.3 WoW BFA: Visions of N'zoth]


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鏈接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = xg_5HARaNbE

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鏈接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = mfL7LTZ3Voc

鏈接:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = yEigiBwT-nM
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《魔獸世界》中的Azeroth OST之戰。


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  1. Hiya Folks. After playing through 7+ campaigns, 45+ missions and editing & preparing videos for each, my eyes are about to bleed out, as the coffee-infused IV I have implanted into my arm isn』t doing it anymore. So I』m taking this Sunday off. In place, here』s the 「technical ending」 for BFA, where Tyrande wants Sylvie』s blood spilt over her (kinky), and puts Manduin in his place. Let』s pretend N』zoth didn』t appear in this expansion, and we just had one long pillow fight with each faction. Hell, Khadgar had it right; chilling in Karazhan watching Netflix with Medivh』s ghost. Tune in tomorrow for Kale』s journey with a snake woman, edgy demon lord, and misshapen goat demon alien monster thing. Er yea.

    P.S, Jaina』s VA was apparently on lunch break and nobody texted her to come back to the studio. That』s why Jaina is afk in this cutscene.

  2. Oh, when fuckers in the Alliance get revengeful, it is okay and the game continues, but when the Horde gets revengeful, they are the evil ones. I really dislike that idiotic categorization.

  3. Alliance: What the Horde did to a naval base during the war is unacceptable.
    Also Alliance: Raids and murders Horde civilians in a village with no strategic value

  4. This better not be a hint of a Shaw and Valeria romance I can't stand Shaw and I'm an alliance player I wish nothing but pain unhappiness and everything under the sun

  5. This has to be cut content from 8.3.5, I can't find these cinematics in-game anywhere, I've done all the main Campaign quest and everything, Why can't i get these in-game? Please correct me if im wrong

  6. Shaw: "There's… someone I may be interested in."
    Valera: "Well I hope she's nice."
    Shaw: "…" internally "IT'S YOU BITCH -FFS IT YOOUUU"

  7. I want alliance vs horde thing to stop. We only need tyrande kill sylvanas and only her. Don't waste our time with same plot over and over again. Alliance already won the war, horde rebels getting their place. There is no need for war.

  8. That girl never liked Illidan ways now she is becoming mad unlike him who was being himself . She may find in the end her choice wasn't the best one , in war of ancients Malfurion did most of the work but Illidan was right about his brother powers weren't reliable and could lead to her death . She almost died because of him if it wasn't for Elune shield . But she never gave a though of what Illidan said to her cuz she was already in love and didn't care . People say this was typical love triangle but its not cuz Tyrande never loved Illidan in any point of the story xD .

  9. At this point The Horde has done so much sh*t to the Alliance that it would only look natural if the latter stood up at least once. Gilneas, Theramor, Teldrassil, and how did Alliance answer ? Turned an already lifeless and ruined city into a biohazard zone. Way to go. Blizzard really excelled at turning a potentially knightly and honorable faction into a spineless mess.

  10. Tyrande in BfA looks like shit. Her voice acting doesn't sound like WC3 at all at this point, her model is terrible, her light blue hair have the color of moss and she is made to look like a retard all the time. The retarded monkeys that call themselves writers have ruined her character like Rian Johnson ruined Luke.

  11. "Led by Baine, Thrall and the others." Blizzard showing their bias again while the rest of the council gets ignored. ffs fire Golden and Alex already.

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