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  1. Funny guys. ? thank you. Korea hot now. If you guys like bong movie watch memory of murder Based on true story. Murder caught lately really happen

  2. 7:51 That old woman(Miky Lee) is a businesswoman who was blacklisted by the Korean president for supporting the production of a film with a progressive voice. She complained that she was not a leftist, but it was futile and she had to flee abroad. Similarly, Bong Joon-ho was also blacklisted, and the award of Parasite is "really special" to Koreans. (Of course, the president was impeached by the Korean people.)

  3. Lee Mi-kyung (English: Mikey Lee)Mickey Lee
     is a U.S. businessman operating in South Korea
    and vice chairman of CJ Group.Mickey Lee:
    When I was studying at Harvard University,
    I was faced with a poor perception of Korea
    and vowed to properly inform foreigners of Korea
    based on its excellent Korean cultural content.
    Cheil Jedang invested $300 million,
    or 30 percent of DreamWorks,
    in 1995 by successfully negotiating the establishment
    of DreamWorks, and gained the right to distribute
    DreamWorks movies in Asia, which later became
    the foundation of the content business.
    She actively participated in CJ E&M management
    by expanding her foot to film production,
    investment and distribution through multiplexes.
    She led the broadcasting business that started
    with music channel Mnet in 1993
    and succeeded in promoting Superstar K (Superstar K)
    , and promoted Hallyu Market Festival KCON.Bong Joon-ho participated as the general producer
    or producer of the film, including "Mother,"
    "Parasite," "Park Chan-wook』s Park Rat,"
    "My Kind Geumja Sense," "Cyborg But It』s OK,"
    and "The Good, the Bad, and the Weird"

  4. This is the Oscar's big progress to be the international film fetival from the local festival. Nice job Director Bong Joon Ho. I am so pround of uns. xxxxxx

  5. I am answering to your mssg. @eraserboy1234: But he definitely had to speak as well. Everyone was looking forward to it. It truly killed the momentum. The women's were not able to utter anything meaningful for the biggest, most awaited award moment. No matter how you put it @eraserboy, it was a big letdown for many, including me.

  6. Even if she was financially meaningful; His speech gives us an immense sense at the inspiration behind this film. It's moving, one minute we are crying, then he makes us laugh. Love the emotional rollercoaster he makes us experience, even in a simple speech. I am thankful to the producers for making this movie possible, but probably it was hard to follow up on such a great speech. I wished They had Thanked The World Audience For Supporting This Film. I think director Bong would have done that. Chance missed.

  7. I sooo agree with how you feel about Bong not saying anything for best picture. I truly wished he would have made the speech. Messed up the momentum. I felt very let down by him, not saying something. The only thing I can think of is that maybe he was too overwhelmed, so they had to speak for him. Oh, well.

  8. I was blown away by the movie as well… just some of those crazy scenes. And the duality of everything intersecting at a point. Right when I thought I knew who the protagonist was I find morally questioning my conclusion and decided maybe it wasn't even a person at all… but that it was, rather, an idea… I'll leave it at that as many probably have as well. And that's what makes the movie brilliant for me.

  9. Even though I'm not Chinese, I remember feeling so happy and emotional when Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was nominated and won all of those Oscars, simply because Asians were in the game. So as a Korean, this year's Oscars made me feel incredibly proud, and I cried…a lot. 🙂

  10. @4:01, well when the soldiers collided, they just had to keep the film rolling. After all, it's a one-shot movie, so can't say, "Cut!" Just gotta keep going, or start over from the beginning for another 2hr take. hehe :p

  11. In my opinion its a joke that joker didn』t won
    Joker was was better than parasite WAY BETTER
    Joker deserve the Oscar way more
    I don』t know what is the academy doing

  12. I watched the post oscars interview of Director Bong. He said he didn』t want to talk on the best picture stage. Fourth times to get up the stage made him feel abit embarrassed to say anything after all and he wanted the others talk something up there. So humble person.

  13. so ''who'' exactly does the award go to for ''best picture'' and if you were in the movie that got ''best picture'', can can that person say he/she has an oscar?

  14. Bong Joon Ho, Song Kang-Ho, and Lee Mi-Kyung(the woman who made a speech at the end) were on the artist blacklist of President Park who was impeached through the Candlelight Revolution 2016-2017.

    Now, they won Oscars

  15. Liked your reaction! I just started my own channel and made a reaction channel of my own! Please consider checking out! I SCREAMED FOR PARASITE! Mentioned Parasite about 48 times! Please come check it out and let me know how I can improve 🙂

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