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  1. The Nexus series is very good they abandoned that division. It is fun because different manufacturers get to create Google's flagship each year not just one company so you've got a design variation sort of like a flavor if you will. My mates used to love them all nexus devices

  2. One of top companies to work at in the world ans hard to get into yet struggling to produce quality hardwares. What do the engineers do? Coding and auto cad? Lol. Companies in china are laughing while watching this video. Stay in your lane google as advertising company.

  3. Google hasn't learned from Samsung. HTC used to be innovative in the phone sector, but they lost their vision, Google bought out the mobile division but never heard the people of what they want. Samsung had done that and that shows in sales.

  4. I love how all these companies unknowingly turned all their users into commodities and they make billions off of us. We make them rich and none of us see a damn penny from it. Imagine if everytime Google uses your info to make a profit they had to pay us 1 dollar. The best part is people don't even know they are nothing more then a commodity too these companies.

  5. Imagine having billions to spend on experiments (acquisition of Motorola, Google Glass,) Google knew it was for experimental purposes and the failure was the likely result. But it was all drafted in the budget meetings!

  6. I don't care how long ago this video came out it is b***** that early Chromebooks do not have a lot of storage. The original Samsung Chromebooks at 240 GB hard drive because they do not know how the computer would be used and utilized they also had CD drives and more RAM. There was not a market for super low-powered processors for the PC space

  7. You know you are doing not bad, when your struggling business division is doing $6B in revenue. As a comparison Bose as a company did $4B in 2019.

  8. I remember the Moto Droid. I had one. That phone was amazing. I did hate the physical keyboard though. And chose to use my blackberry much more because of it.

  9. first and foremost reason is pricing . pricing should be reasonable . Apple is well established long ago so people are habituated with Apple also with its pricing . but in case of google it's a wrong step entering the market with high end devices . people don't give a try with a new product . price should be reasonable when you are new in the market

  10. Why google struggles in general. Google its time to shut down. Such a garbage company. Yahoo is better and older

  11. Bill Gates was totally right when he said, that biggest MS fail was canceling it's mobile projects.
    I can't imagine how succsesfull could be Windows Phones in 2019/2020. They was really great in 2013/2014, with only one big problem – very small app market. But WP powered Nokia phones was insanely good devices for it's price. Some people even still use it today.
    I'm hope Microsoft will return to mobile business.

  12. Google is walking down the wrong path. Instead of improving lives with useful tech, the tech is about selling advertisements to you.

  13. To be honest, Google is really bad at everything except for their search engine, hence ad services. They just happen to be lucky enough to have come up with a half-decent search engine against just 1 actual competitor. Judge for yourself by simply comparing Amazon or Microsoft to Google. Both of those companies are leaders in multiple products and services and lead the way in many aspects. Google literally has no innovations of its own in recent times and just attempts to buy those who actually do innovate.

  14. Chromebook sucks, not even because you can't do anything without internet connection but because no one (not even google) makes programs for it. Not everyone wants the google solution to certain applications. Not even the google play store has chrome versions of any apps that I could find.

  15. I recently switched from my iPhone XS Max to a Pixel 3 XL and I love this phone so much. I trust Pixel phones as my main phones now, very reliable and dependable phones regardless of the specs. My next phone will definitely be a Pixel, I'm not a fan of Samsung or LG phones since they're known to be unreliable in my opinion.

  16. People doesn』t like to deal with resellers… if you live in US,Canada,UK,Australia and new Zeland you can buy google products very easily and in their oficial page, and the rest of the world? It』s very difficult , just some products like the nest or the google home are available but if I want a google pixel I』m out of luck, of buying from a reseller with increased cost, in the end google doesn』t make they products to accessible and easy to buy unless you live in a first world country

  17. Alphabet/ Google
    Should see hardware as mean to increase it's software base business
    by Concentrate on volume than profit from hardware ie making them cheaper

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