
在過去的幾年中,SEGA和Atlus曾向Nintendo Switch所有者詢問他們希望將其移植到該平台上的情況,並再次進行了調查,其中列出了許多特許經營權。這次,儘管看起來SEGA對上個季度的情況並不感到興奮,但讓粉絲們懷疑他們是否可以針對這些調查制定實際計劃。索尼發現了一項新專利,該專利展示了一種使用AI助手將您引導至遊戲中的微交易以尋求幫助的方法。




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Sega’s New Console Games Underperformed Despite Persona 5 Royal, Sakura Wars, & Mario & Sonic Releases

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#Nintendo #Atlus#PS5

  1. My thing is, most of my ps4 games are digital. So what about backwards compatibility on ps4 digital games that i own and not needing to have a subscription for PS NOW

  2. Here is how it is going to go:

    Atlus: What do you want for Switch?
    Players: For the millionth time, we want Persona! Mainline!
    Atlus: How about side story in a completely different genre…. say a beat them up, that will spoil parts of persona 5?
    Player: No, we really want Persona 5 proper.
    Atlus: Hmm…. So how about a dancing game?
    Player: No, the actual mainline games.
    Atlus: Persona Q?
    Player: PERSONA 5!
    Atlus: I guess you don't want Persona?
    Player: bangs head on desk

  3. I didn't buy P5 because I didn't want to have to sit in front of my tv to play it. If Atlus wants my $50-$60 bucks for a game that came out years ago, put it on the switch!

  4. If microtransactions appear on the PS5 I will completely avoid that console, no matter how powerful it is or what games are on it. I am entirely against that idea.

  5. Sure, backwards compatibility is awesome, but I don』t think that it would be a seller to me. I like PS1/2/3 but so long as it can play PS4 I』m completely cool

  6. If any game used this patent at all they would not be seeing my money whatsoever. If it』s an ingrained program in PS5 Sony will not have my money.

  7. The plurals used by Sony with reference to the backwards compatibility with previous gen consoles is key in indicating whether it will support all the PS consoles with this feature. Unless once again there was a translation error. Either way I temper my expectation and only will believe it when I see it. It is better to be pleasantly surprised than being disappointed.

  8. I'm sure if they went the "First ones free" for each playthrough for Sony's buy your way out system it would be more successful.

    If they charged me to get by a part, and then a few minutes later I got stuck again, I'd feel pretty crappy about paying last time.

  9. The new shin megami tensei game is planned to come out on the Switch. And Devil Survivor is a Nintendo series.
    I think Atlus/Sega prefers Nintendo over Microsoft & Sony. So they might love the idea of moving all their properties to Nintendo.

  10. Emulating the PS3 on the x86 Sony consoles is a huge problem. The Cell architecture is both very powerful and very alien to x86. The emulating system needs to be far more powerful than the emulated system for full speed, if the architectures aren't at least somewhat similar to each other to begin with. I doubt the PS5 is going to have the oomph. Hope I'm wrong.

  11. I'd be surprised if Sony made the PS5 backwards compatible at all. They attempted it with the PS3's original model before reworking it to only be compatible with PS1 and PS3 games–but at least the PS3 still had a digital shop with PS2 games accessible there without the need to stream it with a working internet connection. And they didn't even bother with the PS4 being backwards compatible… with a small lineup of PS1 and PS2 games reworked to be purchasable via digital download. And no, I'm not counting the PS Now feature as that requires a solid internet to even use it which not everyone (myself included) has.

    As for the ATLUS situation… Man, I would looooove to get Shin Megami Tensei titles on the Switch. We've had Persona Q 1 & 2, Shin Megami Tensei IV, Devil Survivor 1 & 2, Soul Hackers, and even Conception II on the 3/DS, so its not like its unusual to have ATLUS/SMT titles on a Nintendo system… We just haven't had one from the main series on a console from Persona itself. But I would love to see all the Persona games on the Switch, including Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2, and Devil Summoner 1 & 2. I would rebuy Persona 5 on the Switch if it was available, like I did with Dragon Quest XI.

    The Switch is just a solid console for handheld and docked play, I'm much more comfortable playing it then my PS4 these days.

  12. Persona 5 Seriously needed to be in the Nintendo Switch and they shitted all over it by giving the switch SCRAMBLE. Look, I haven』t played Dynasty Warrior in years. I was a kid when I last played and yeah I loved it, but is it something I』m interested in now? No not really but it would』ve been fine if they just decided to put the first game on the switch before PUTTING A SEQUEL because I have yet to play a Person Game and now I have 0 incentive to buy this new persona game on the switch when the initial experience is very JRPG and now it』s dynasty warriors with the fact that it』s a sequel so I don』t know anything about the series.

  13. If the patent is real, sony is going to pay game devs to make every sony game like dark souls difficulty. That is the day i stop playing games

  14. If the PS5 allows you to transfer your PS3 digital purchases like the Xbox One does with the 360 games, a day 1 purchase would almost be inevitable for me.

  15. Why is it Sony goes silent right after Xbox releases there specs and full backwards compatible. It's almost as if Xbox has scared Sony into going quite.

  16. "Don't expect cellphone games to come out and shock the world or anything, at least not in a positive way"
    Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross. Number one game in South Korea and Japan. Global release 3 March. One million pre-registers.

  17. I would buy a jap and eng version of persona 5s even if it would help just a little bit for a possibility of a persona 5 on switch. I』m getting that desperate. It』s the perfect game for the console. I don』t want to wait till I get home to play a jrpg, I wanna play that shit on the go.

  18. Any news on why the Dual Shock back button attachment hasn』t been shipping to retailers? GameStop employee told me there』s a manufacturing issue… I would like to get one before Nioh 2, any news is appreciated

  19. As an SMT fan I want persona 5 on Nintendo because literally every new mainline and non-persona SMT game is on Nintendo and I do not want to buy the PlayStation anymore just to play 1 part of my favorite game franchise
    seriously Atlus fix ur shite!

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