羅伯特·德尼羅(Robert DeNiro)和艾爾·帕西諾(Al Pacino)奧斯卡2020年紅地毯訪談

在2020年奧斯卡紅毯上觀看羅伯特·德尼羅(Robert DeNiro)和阿爾·帕西諾(Al Pacino)談論《愛爾蘭人》和帕西諾第一次與導演馬丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)合作。在Oscar.com和ABC應用程序中,從紅地毯上查看更多精彩片段! 。

  1. Always liked Pacino more than DeNiro before his Trump Bashing. Always thought Pacino was more versatile. Joe Paterno, Phil Spectre, Jack Kavorkian. DeNiro is certainly good. Just a Pacino guy.

  2. He's a bad actor now because of his beliefs wow and I thought the left where the soft ones ??‍???????? but I liked the movie im a big fan of this genre goodfellas, the departed, a bronx tale, these movies always kept my interest.

  3. DeNiro, congrats on your 2020 Oscar…
    oh, wait, never mind because you have become an old, pain in the ass and your career is now limited to getting divorced and tending to your TDS.

  4. these no talent hacks pass out awards like gerbils at an ass clown convention, oh yay f-ck you robert you are the biggest hack out there in hollyhomo town

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