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Ubisoft’s Skull & Bones Won’t Launch Until at Least 2021, Suffered From ‘Lots of Reboots’


Fairy Tail game delayed to June 25 in Europe and Japan, June 26 in North America

感謝Outro Music-
Kevin MacLeod撰寫的Deep Haze已獲得知識共享署名許可(https://creativecommons.org/licenses / ...)
資料來源:http://incompetech.com/music/royalty -...

#ps4#newps4games #newgames。

  1. I'm not worried. If Sony fucks it up it's on them. I wont touch a console that abets microtransactions in any form. People are sick of this scammy shit. So…..good luck sony. Dont fuck it up now.

  2. Also…I hate micro transactions…they ruin games and gaming. Usually I don't play games with them but one, rainbow moon, I really enjoyed it and played it a while(until o beat the main game but it pissed me off at how they gave soo few Pearl's for experience and you got beat up if your level wasn't up basically making you HAVE to buy pearls from the psn(boo! ☹?) and it really hurt the game and lost me as a fan.

  3. Great video and job ?? love how you got upset about the 3 month push back of fairytale, I was just looking at this game the other day and it looks cool ? weird they would push it back with so little notice? Skull and bones also,like I heard about that a while back and though,that would be cool(I love pirates and loved ac blackflag etc.) So few games take place in these times and environments. Just like the medievil times(oblivion,skyrim,witcher 3 and kingdomcome)thanks for the news bro ?

  4. In my humble opinion If this us true I have no problem with it for the simple fact it's up to you to use it at the same time the problem will be if they installed this and not FULLY BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY. POWER TO THE PLAYERS

  5. Sony it self most of the studios dont push Micros it's kinda what sets them apart .Sony studios are better for it. Besides MLB can't think of any. Rockstar are the king of micros I think it sucks .paying 20 real dollars on a in game car I think it needs to be stoped.

  6. I played all the way through Odyssey without even thinking about the microtransactions. I just played it like any other RPG and grinded like all the other RPGs i've played.

  7. Me: Hey Playstation how can I kill riven
    Playstation: eighty percent of the destiny player base got good and got a fire team together and also knew-wtd.

    Me: but…

    Playstation: no buts scrub.

  8. I personally don't think League of Legends deserves to be grouped with the other games with lots of Micro-transactions

  9. Oh god delete this crap why is it the garbage clickbait low channels gotta stir up everyone, Xbot has no chance just like it didn』t the past 20 years give up.

  10. Another reason why I can wait 3 or 4 years to acquire a PS5.. I have at least that much time in my game back log because of all the PS Store sales. My #1 rule is NEVER pay full price for any game! That's the biggest rip-off around.

  11. One thing that was failed to be mentioned And this is why you don't just read anything and walk away Without looking at the fine print Or blue print, microtransactions might be part of the situation but if you pay attention to the picture he's using a controller for automated suggestions support So I think that was the important part of the patent

  12. Never uses any micro transaction for any games ever. For Assassin's Creed Origin and Odyssey, those microtransaction are borderline useless. You super don't need them.

  13. Instead of complaining about the fairytale delay what y』all need to be doing is go to those fucking developers and tell them to upgrade those graphics that shit look like it should be back on the PS3.

  14. My backlog of JRPGs ,single player games, steam games, etc extends well over a decade, when taking family time and work into account.

    The day this happens, the day I shut the door on current gen, and enjoy when shit was less scummy

  15. there are 100s of reasons a game is delayed, not just because there were bugs found just before a game went gold. for instance, what if the printing of the physical copy's insert was delayed? or the marketing plan got delayed? what if the legal clearance for the music track in level 21 got held up in the EU? it could be literally anything. in addition, when the game is delayed, its just just "the weeks needed for development". everything needs to be re-coordinated, shipments of goods, marketing to consumers, in-store marketing, sony/msft certification. you aren't a child and hearing you rant like this all the time about game delays has gotten to be too much

  16. I'm sure that's not the case bc that currency will already be in the game. This is likely a way to acquire the source that show players how to obtain certain thing in game.

  17. We should demand quality and fairness..not buy better gun better car ….p2w elemnt and even that what they are selling has to be with respect so we can decide is that something worth

  18. there are plenty of businesses that make a shit ton of money in fucked up ways by using their employees and using the consumer just because a company makes a shit ton of money does not mean it's a good thing or it's successful.if you have to lie manipulate and use people to make money then you are a horrible person and that is dirty money you are not successful you are not a businessman you're a piece of shit

  19. I think all these delays are telling us the PS5 will be delayed and if that get's delayed Sony is (FUCKED!) Microsoft has been fucked for yrs so they don't matter ?.

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